Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1629 Susa :peace between England and France(Apr. 24).1632 St :Germain-en-Laye Canada and Acadiarestored to France (Mar. 29).1645 Three Rivers :Montmagny s peace with theIroquois (July 14).1655 Westminster :affecting forts at Pentagoet,St John and Port Royal (Nov. 3).1666 Quebec : Tracy s peace with the Iroquois(July 7).1667 Breda: Acadia restored to France (July 21).1686 Neutrality of French and British Colonies inevent of war in Europe (Nov. 16).1697 Ryswick : restoration of places taken duringprevious war (Sept. 20).1701 Montreal :general peace with the Indiana(Aug. 4).1712 Paris : four months truce between GreatBritain and France (Aug. 19).1713 Utrecht : Hudson Bay restored, and Acadiaand Newfoundland ceded to Great Britain(Apr. 11).1748 Aix-la-Chapelle : Cape Breton restored toFrance (Oct. 18).1763 Paris : Canada ceded to Great Britain, StPierre and Miquelon restored to France(Feb. 10).1766 Oswego : peace with Pontiac (July 24).1783 Versailles :peace between Great Britain andthe United States ; boundary between theUnited States and Canada ; fisheries(Sept. 3).1794 Philadelphia : explanatory article, trade,etc. (May 4).Jay s Treaty : <strong>com</strong>merce ; navigation ;boundary (Nov. 19).1798 London :explanatory article, River Ste-Croix (Mar. 15).Providence : declaration, River Ste-Croix(Oct. 25).1803 London: convention re boundaries (May 12).1806 London :treaty of amity, <strong>com</strong>merce andnavigation with the United States ofAmerica (Dec. 31).1814 Ghent :peace between Great Britain andthe United States (Dec. 24).1815 Ghent :proclaimed at Quebec (Mar. 9).London : convention, <strong>com</strong>merce with U.S.A.(July 3).1817 New York : decision of <strong>com</strong>missioners underArticle 6 of Treaty of Ghent (Nov. 24).Earl of Selkirk (on behalf of King George III)with the North-West Indians.TREATIES 329TREATIES1818 Washington : proclamation of President ofU.S.A. publishing arrangement of April1817 relative to naval force on AmericanLakes (Apr. 28).1825 St Petersburg : defining boundary of Alaska.1827 London : <strong>com</strong>merce and territory west ofRocky Mountains (Aug. 6).London : North - east Boundary of theUnited States (Sept. 29).1842 Ashburton :boundary between Canada andthe United States ;extradition (Aug. 9).1846 Oregon Boundary boundary west of Rocky:Mountains (June 15).1854 Reciprocity between Canada and UnitedStates (June 5). (Terminated Mar. 17,1866.)1867 Alaska ceded to the United States.1869 London : convention re Water Boundary(June 14).1870 :Washington declaration, boundary maps(Feb. 24).1871 Washington : Alabama and other claims ;reciprocity boundary west of Rocky;Mountains (May 8). (Reciprocity terminated July 1, 1885.)1873 Additional articles to Treaty of May 8, 1871 ;fisheries (Jan. 18).Protocol of a Conference : fisheries (June 7).1881 Arrangement: Fisheries (May 28).1884 London Convention :postal money orders(June 20).1888 Fisheries :Chamberlain-Bayard Treaty between Canada and United States (Feb. 15).1892 Washington : Bering Sea Seal Fisheries(Jeb. 29).Convention :Boundary (July 22).1894 Convention :Boundary (Feb. 3).1895 With France : <strong>com</strong>mercial (Oct. 14).1907 New Commercial Convention with Francesigned at Paris (oept. 19).1908 Ratification of Treaty for demarcation ofboundary between Canada and the UnitedStates (June 4).1910 Ratification of Commercial Treaty withFrance (Feb. 1).North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration,award of The Hague Tribunal (Sept. 7).New Trade Agreements made with Germany,Belgium, Holland and Italy.1911 Proposals for reciprocity with the UnitedStates submitted to the Canadian Parliament (Jan. 21).1913 Japanese Treaty Act assented to (Apr. 10).Trade Agreement with West Indies cameinto force (June 2).TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS AFFECTING CANADA in force between His MAJESTYAND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, with Subsidiary Documents, 1814-1913(Printed by the King s Printer, Ottawa, 1915)1. Treaty of Ghent, 24th December 1814. (c) Declaration and Decision of Commis-(a) Declaration and Decision of Com- eioners under 6th Article, Treaty ofmissioners under the 4th Article, Ghent, 18th June 1822.Treaty of Ghent, 24th November (d) Note on Commission under 7th Article,1817. Treaty of Ghent.(b) Note as to Commission under the 2. Exchange of Notes re Naval Forces on the6th Article, Treaty of Ghent. Great Lakes, 29th April 1817.

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