Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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328 HISTORICAL TABLESTRADING AND COLONIZATION COMPANIESCharteredPont-Grav6 and Chauvin .... 1599De Chastes (Aymar de Chastes and Pont-Grav6) 1 602De Monts (De Monts, Champlain and Font-Grave) ; charter granted. (Charter withdrawn, 1607 ; restored for one year, 1608.) 1603Rouen (Champlain s Company)De .1613. . Caen (rival of Company of Rouen) 1620. .Montmorency (union of Rouen and De CaenCompanies) ...... 1622Company of New France, or One HundredAssociates. (Abolished, 1663.). . 1627Notre Dame de Montreal (Religious). . 1640Company of the West Indies. (Charter revoked, December 1674.) .... 16641605160816131634Port Royal, founded by de Monts.Quebec, founded by Champlain (July 3).St John s, Newfoundland, founded byWhitbourne.Three Rivers, founded by La Vioiette(July 4).1636-45 Port Royal, now Annapolis,d Aulnay Charnisay.founded by1642 Montreal (Ville-Marie), founded by Maisonneuve(May 18).Fort Richelieu, now Sorel, founded byMontmagny (Aug. 13).1673 Cataraqui, now Kingston, founded byFrontenac (June 13).1701 Detroit, founded by La Motte Cadillac(July 24).17481749La Presentation, now Ogdensburg, foundedby Abbe Piquet.Halifax, founded by Cornwallis (June 30).1768 Charlottetown,Desohamps.founded by Morris and1783 Kingston, founded by U.E. Loyalists.St John, founded by U.E. Loyalists.FOUNDATION OF CITIESCharteredHudson a Bay Company, formed in Eagland,May 2, O.S. (New charter granted fortwenty-one years, May 30, 1838.). . 1670Compagnle du Nord, formed at Quebec forHudson Bay ..... trade 1682Compagnie du Canada, formed in Canada.(Existed for five years.) .... 1700Compagnie d Occident; privileges granted for.twenty-five years . . . .1717North-West Company, of Montreal. (Mergedin Hudson s Bay Company, Mar. 26,1821.) 1783X Y, offshoot of the North-West Company.(Existed until 1804.) .... 179517841785CAPITALS OF CANADA AND ITSFredericton, founded by U.E. Loyalists.Sydney, Cape Breton, founded by DesBarres.1793 Toronto, founded by Simcoe.1790 Belleville, founded by Myers.1797 Prescott, founded by Edward Jessup.1800 Hull, founded by Philemon Wright.Sherbrooke, Que., founded by David Moeand others.1813 Hamilton, founded by George Hamilton.1826 Ottawa (Bytown), founded by John By.London, founded by Peter M c Gregor.1827 Guelph, founded by John Gait (Apr. 28).1830 Brantford, named after Joseph Brant.1843 Victoria, founded by James Douglas(June 4).1859 New Westminster, founded by Col. R. C.Moody.1862 Winnipeg (formerly Fort Garry).1881 Vancouver, founded by the CanadianPacific Railway Company.1906 Prince Rupert, B.C., founded by theGrand Trunk Pacific Railway Company.PROVINCESQUEBEC of New France, 1608 to Feb. : 10, 1763 ; which the final resolutions respecting Confederaof the Province of Quebec, Feb. 10, 1763 to tion were passed.Dec. 25, 1791 ; of Lower Canada, Dec. 26, 1791 HALIFAX : of Nova Scotia, since 1749.to Feb. 10, 1841; of the Province of Canada,Sept. 22, 1851 PABBTOWNto Oct. 20, 1855 ; of the Province(St John): of New Brunswick, Nov. 22,of1784 toCanada, Sept. 24, 1859Dec. 1786.to Oct. 20, 1865; ofthe Province of Quebec, since July 1, 1867. FBEDEBIOTON : of New Brunswick, since December1786.NEWABK (Niagara): of Upper Canada, 1791 toCHARLOTTETOWN : of Prince Edward Island1794.(lieSt Jean), since 1769.TORONTO (York): of Upper Canada, 1794 to Feb. 10, FOBT GABRY : of the Hudson s1841 ;of the Province of Canada, Nov.Bay district of14, 1849toAssiniboia, 1812 to 1870.Sept. 22, 1851 ; of the Province of Canada,Oct. 20, 1855 WINNIPEG : ofto Sept. 24, 1859 ; of the ProvinceManitoba, since 1870 ; of the North-of WestOntario, since July 1, 1867.Territories, 1870 to 1876.KINGSTONVICTOBIA : of Vancouver: of the Province of Island, JuneCanada, Feb. 4, 1843 to10,1841 to May 10, 1844.Aug. 2, 1858 ; of British Columbia, since 1858.MONTHEAL : of the Province of LIVINGSTONE, Swan River :Canada, MayTemporary capital10,1844 to Nov. 14, 1849.N.W. ofTerritories, 1876.OTTAWA BATTLKFOBD : of N.W.: chosen by Queen Territories, 1877 to 1881.Victoria as the capitalof Canada, Dec. 31, 1857. Finally, by Pro. REGINA: of N.W. Territories, 1883 to 1905; ofclamation dated Montreal, Oct. 20, 1865, the seat Saskatchewan, since July 20, 1905.of government was fixed permanently at Ottawa. EDMONTON : of Alberta, since July 20, 1905.First meeting of Parliament, June 8, 1866, at DAWSON : of the Yukon Territory, since 189b.

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