Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1492 Columbus discovers America.HISTORICAL TABLES1497 John Cabot lands on the mainland ofNorth America.1500 Gaspar Corte Real discovers Newfoundland.1518 Baron de Lery visits Sable Island.1524 Verrazano explores the Atlantic coast ofNorth America.1534 Jacques Cartier discovers Canada. Heereots a cross at Gaspe (July 24) andformally proclaims French sovereignty.1535 Second voyage of Cartier to Canada.Cartier anchors in a small bay on thenorth shore (now Pillage Bay), whichin honour of the day (Aug. 10) he namesSt Lawrence, the name afterwards extended to the Gulf and River. He landsat Quebec (Sept. 14) and at MontrealVOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES(Oct. 2).1541 Third voyage of Cartier to Canada.1542-43 The Sieur de Roberval and his partywinter at Cap Rouge. (The name ofNova Gallia appears on Ulpius sglobe.)1558 Diego Homem s map shows the Bay ofFundy for the first time.to Arctic Canada.1576-7-8 Martin Frobisher voyages1685 John Davis discovers Davis Strait.1586 Second voyage of John Davis to ArcticCanada.1587 Third voyage of Davis.1598 The Marquis de la Roche lands forty convicts on Sable Island. They are left forfive years without relief, only twelvethen being found alive.1603 Champlain s first voyage to Canada.1604 De Monts and Champlain on the coast ofNova Scotia.1609 Chauiplain discovers Lake Champlain(July).1610-11 Henry Hudson winters in James Bay.Poutrincourt in Acadia.1611 Brul6 ascends the Ottawa River.1613 Champlain ascends the Ottawa River.1615 Lakes Nipissing, Huron and Ontario explored by Champlain.1616 William Baffin explores Baffin Bay.1631 Luke Foxe voyages to Hudson Bay.Thomas James voyages to Hudson Bayand winters at Charlton Island, JamesBay.1634-35 Lake Michigan discovered by Jean Nicolet.1640 Lake Erio discovered by Chaumonot andBrebeuf.1641 Raymbault and Jogues reach LakeSuperior.1647 Lake St John discovered by Father deQuen.1662 Radisson and Groseilliers supposed to havereached Hudson Bay overland.1671 St Lusson takes formal possession of SaultSte Marie and adjacent country.1672 Albanel visits James Bay by overlandroute from Quebec.1673 Mississippi River discovered by Jolliet andMarquette.1678 Niagara Falls discovered by Hennepin.1682 La Salle descends the Mississippi to the sea.1691 Henry Kellsey, of the Hudson s Bay Company, leaves York Factory and traversesthe Assiniboine country.1743 Rocky Mountains sighted by the brothersLa Verendrye (Jan. 1).1778 James Cook arrives in Nootka Sound.1789 Alexander Mackenzie descends the Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean.1792 Vancouver Island circumnavigated byGeorge Vancouver.1793 Alexander Mackenzie reaches the Pacificoverland from Canada.1811 David Thompson <strong>com</strong>pletes his survey ofthe Columbia River.1826 Franklin and Richardson explore theMackenzie River and the Arctic coast.1829 John Ross discovers the Peninsula ofBoothia.1831 James Clark Ross discovers the NorthMagnetic Pole.1833 Captain George Back makes overlandjourney to the Arctic Ocean.1840 Discovery and exploration of the YukonRiver by Robert Campbell.1845 Franklin goes in search of the North-WestPassage and is lost.1850 The North-West Passage discovered byRobert M c Clure in the Investigator.1906 The North-West Passage, discovered byM c Clure in 1850, was for the first timesuccessfully navigated by the Norwegiansloop Gjoa (Captain Roald Amundsen),passing from east to west.1909 Robert E. Peary, American explorer,reaches the North Pole.1910 Joseph Bernier, Canadian seaman, sailsfor the Arctic to attempt the North-West Passage (July 7) ; is unsuccessful ;returns Sept. 25, 1911.1913 Stefansson s Canadian Arctic Expedition.The Historic*! TaMes beginning on this page lire based on the copyrighted work of Mr F. J. Audet, They hve been adapted by theEditora with Mr Audet a permission, to suit the fjilun the present volume.827

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