Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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326 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1913 The Liberal Opposition resists the passageof the Naval Contribution Bill.Adoption of closure rulesof Commons.by the HouseThe Naval Contribution Bill passes theCommons, but is suspended by theSenate pending a reference to thepeople.Publication of Canada and its Provinces.Sir George Ross s Getting into Parliamentand After.1914 Completion of the Grand Trunk PacificRailway.Archbishop Begin of Quebec created acardinal.Loss of the Empress of Ireland in theRiver St Lawrence.Murder of King George of Greece andaccession of Constantino, 1913.THE IRISH HOME RULE AND WELSHDISESTABLISHMENT BILLS PASS THEHOUSE OF COMMONS BUT ABE EEJECTEDBY THE LOBDS, 1913.INAUGURATION OF THE IRISH VOLUNTEERMOVEMENT, 1913.Inauguration of the Palace of Peace atThe Hague, 1913.The Treaty of Bucharest, 1913.Death of Pope Pius X. Benedict XVPope. 1914.Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary assassinated. Austria-Hungary sends a rigorous ultimatum toSerbia, accusing Serbian officials of<strong>com</strong>plicity in the murder of the Archduke. 1914.Strong efforts are made by Sir EdwardGrey and others to maintain peacebetween Austria and Serbia, but unsuccessfully, 1914.Publication of the first twelve volumes ofThe Chronicles of Canada.Congress repeals the Act granting exemptions to her own vessels from PanamaCanal tolls.United States troops occupy Vera-Cruz,Mexico.Germany declares war on Russia andFrance and invadesA CanadianBelgium,contingent of thirty-three1914.thousand men is raised andTHE UNITED KINGDOM DECLARES WARsent toEngland. TheON GERMANY AND SENDS TROOPS TOgovernment proceedswith the raising of further FRANCE, 1914.contingents.Special war session of parliament.

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