Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914 325CANADAEUROPE1910 Agitation begins over bilingual schools inOntario.The Eucharistic Congress held in Montreal.Quebec prohibits the exportation of pulpwood. The United States protests.Quebec establishes a Public Utilities Commission.Henri Bourassa founds the Devoirnewspaper.1911-16 His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaughtgovernor-general.The governments of Canada and theUnited States make a reciprocity agreement which is successfully opposed bythe Conservative party in the Canadianparliament.The Liberal government is defeated in theDominion elections.Robert Laird Borden prime minister.(G.C.M.G. 1914.)The Hebert marriage case and agitationover the Ne Temere decree.Failure of the Farmers Bank.Insurrection in Mexico.Doughty and Wood, The King s Book ofQuebec.Thomas Chapais The Marquis de Montcalm.1912 The House of Commons passes bills forthe creation of a tariff <strong>com</strong>mission andfor Dominion assistance to provincialhighways, both of which are rejectedby the Senate.Extension of the boundaries of Manitoba,Ontario and Quebec.The Dominion government proposes acontribution to the United Kingdom ofthirty-five million dollars for naval construction. The Opposition advocatesthe construction of a Canadian Navy.Loss of the Titanic;1503 personsdrowned.The Panama Canal Bill grants freedomfrom tolls to American coastwise shipping.Organization of the Progressive party andselection of Theodore Roosevelt aspresidential candidate.The Democratic party successful in theelections. Woodrow Wil-presidentialeon elected president.Sir Richard Cartwright sStephen Leacock sa Little Town.Reminiscences.Sunshine Sketches ofCORONATION or KINO GEORGEQUEEN MAKY, 1911.AN IMPERIAL CONFERENCE HELD INLONDON, 1911.The German Emperor declares the needof strengthening the Navy in order toassure Germany her due place in thesun, 1911.Italy demands the surrender of Tripoli,and makes war on Turkey, 1911.KING GEORGE AND QUEEN MARY VISITINDIA, 1911.Revolution in China, 1911.Captain Roald Amundsen discovers theSouth Pole, 1911.BILLS INTRODUCED TO GRANT HOMERULE TO IRELAND AND TO DISESTABLISH THE CHURCH IN WALES, 1912.THE UNIONISTS OF ULSTER SIGN A COVENANT NOT TO SUBMIT TO A HOME RULEPARLIAMENT, 1912.THE ULSTER VOLUNTEERS FORMED UNDERTHE LEADERSHIP OF SlR EDWARDCARSON, 1912.MRHALDANE VISITS GERMANY TO DISCUSSRELATIONS BETWEEN THAT COUNTRYAND THE UNITED KINGDOM, 1912.Germany provides for a further increasein her Navy, 1912.The Balkan Alliance of Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece makes waron Turkey, 1912.The Bulgarians defeat the Turks and advance on Constantinople, 1912.China be<strong>com</strong>es a republic, 1912.CAPTAIN SCOTT REACHES THE SOUTHPOLE, BUT HE AND HIS PARTY PERISHON THE RETURN JOURNEY, 1912.Raymond Poincar6 president of theFrench Republic, 1912.

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