Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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324 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1905 The Canadian government assumes controlof the fortifications at Halifax andEsquimalt.Wilfred Campbell s * Collected Poems.W. H. Drummond s The Voyageur.W. T. Grenfell s The Harvest of the Sea.1906 Provincial Conference at Ottawa. TheDominion government agrees to increase the subsidies to the provinces.The Lord s Day Observance Act.The Ontario Hydro-Electric Commissioncreated.San Francisco earthquake and fire.Insurrection in Cuba. The United Statessends troops uo restore order.1907 The Leinieux Act for the prevention ofstrikes and lock-outs.Collapse of the Quebec Bridge.Riots against the Japanese in Vancouver.Earthquake in Jamaica.Robert W. Service s Songs of a Sourdough.The Dominion government publishes acollection of documents relating to theconstitutional history of Canada.1908 The Liberal government sustained at theDominion elections.Creation of the Dominion Civil ServiceCommission.Opening of the Canadian Mint.The Quebec Tercentenary Celebration.Visit of the Prince of Wales (HisMajesty George V).1909 The Dominion parliament approves unanimously of a resolution in favour of aCanadian Naval Service.The Boundary Waters Treaty betweenCanada and the United States.Discovery of silver at Gowganda and ofgold in the Porcupine District.Peary discovers the North Pole.1910 The Canadian Naval Service Bill.Canadian Conservation Commission.The Nationalist party in Quebec opposesthe government s naval policy and winsthe by-election of Drummond-Arthabaska.Sir John French inspects the CanadianMilitia.The Atlantic Fisheries Dispute settled byThe Hague Arbitration Court.The Russian fleet sent from Europe iadestroyed by the Japanese, 1905.Peace of Portsmouth between Russia andJapan, 1905.THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT SUSTAINEDIN THE BRITISH ELECTIONS, 1906.THE BATTLESHIP DREADNOUGHT, 1906.Abrogation of the Concordat and separation of Church and State in France,1906.First meeting of the Russian Duma, 1906Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, 1906.RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT GRANTED TOTHE TRANSVAAL, 1906.COLONIAL CONFERENCE IN LONDON, 1907.AN ANGLO-RUSSIAN CONVENTION SIGNED,1907.DEATH OF LORD KELVIN, 1907.The Czar dissolves the second Duma, 1907Promulgation of the Ne Temere decree,1907.FIRST MEETINGS OF THE TRANSVAAL ANDORANGE RIVER PARLIAMENTS, 1907.PROPOSAL FOR SOUTH AFRICAN CONFEDERATION, 1907.HERBERT H. ASQUITH PRIME MINISTER,1008.OLD AGE PENSIONS ESTABLISHED IN THEUNITED KINGDOM, 1908.Germany provides for further naval increases, 1908.Assassination of the King and CrownPrince of Portugal, 1908.Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia andHerzegovina, 1908.Bulgaria proclaims her independence,1908.Annexation of the Congo Free State toBelgium, 1908.IMPERIAL DEFENCE CONFERENCE INLONDON, 1909.THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT PROVIDES FORTHE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, 1909.THE INDIAN COUNCILS BILL ADMITSNATIVE INDIANS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCILS, 1909.DEATH or KING EDWARD VII, 1910.GEORGE V KING OF GREAT BRITAIN ANDIRELAND AND EMPEROR OF INDIA,1910.ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNION OF SOUTHAFRICA, 1910.Japan annexes Korea, 1910.

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