Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914 3<strong>23</strong>CANADAEUROPE1900 By the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty the exclusive right of the United States tobuild the Panama Canal is recognized.1901 Assassination of President M c Kinley.Visit to Canada of the Duke and Duchessof Cornwall and York (now KingGeorge V and Queen Mary).R. L. Bprden chosen leader of the Conservative party.Doughty and Parmelee s Siege of Quebec.Ralph Connor s Man from Glengarry.1902 The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway proposedCompletion of the Pacific cable.Marconi establishes a wireless station atGlace Bay, Cape Breton.Death of Principal Grant of Queen sUniversity.The Pennsylvania coal strike.The United States resolves to build thePanama Canal.Volcanic eruption at San Pierre in theWest Indies.1903 Willison s Sir Wilfrid Laurier and theLiberal Party.Arrangements made for the building of anational transcontinental railroad to beoperated by the Grand Trunk PacificCompany.Discovery of silver at Cobalt.Award of the Alaskan Boundary Commissioners.Panama revolts from Colombia and isrecognized by the United States asindependent.1 904- 1 1 Earl Grey governor-general.1904 Lord Dundonald, <strong>com</strong>manding officer ofthe Canadian Militia, criticizes thegovernment s administration and is dismissed from office.A new Canadian Militia Act passed.The Liberal government sustained in theDominion elections.The Canadian Board of Railway Commissioners organized.Settlement of the Newfoundland Frenchshore question.Victor Emmanuel III King of Italy, 1900.THE UNIONIST GOVERNMENT SUSTAINEDnsr THE BRITISH ELECTIONS, 1900.Germany adopts a bill providing for anincrease in its naval forces, 1900.ANNEXATION OF THE ORANGE FREE STATEAND THE TRANSVAAL, 1900.The Boxers attack the Christians inChina. Troops sent by the Powersadvance to Peking and relieve theforeign legations. 1900.AN ACT PASSED UNITING THE AUSTRALIANCOLONIES INTO THE COMMONWEALTHOF AUSTRALIA, 1900.DEATH or QUEEN VICTORIA, 1901.EDWARD VII KING OF GREAT BRITAINAND IRELAND AND EMPEROR OF INDIA,1901-10.Completion of the Trans-Siberian Railway, 1901.Russia obtains control over Manchuria,1901.Santos Dumont successfully navigatesan airship at Paris, 1901.GUERILLA WARFARE IN SOUTH AFRICA,1901.THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA INAUGURATED, 1901.The Americans capture Aguinaldo, theFilipino leader, 1901.ARTHUR J. BALFOUR PRIME MINISTER,1902-5.COLONIAL CONFERENCE HELD IN LONDON,1902.THE SOUTH AFRICAN WAR ENDS, 1902.DEATH OF CECIL RHODES. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS.1902.Murder of King Alexander and QueenDraga of Serbia and succession of PeterKarageorgevich, 1902.Death of Pope Leo <strong>XII</strong>I, 1903.Pius X Pope, 1903-14.BEGINNING OF A CAMPAIGN FOR TARIFFREFORM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM.JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN RESIGNS FROMTHE BRITISH CABINET. 1903.DEATH OF LORD SALISBURY, 1903.Massacre of Jews in Southern Russia,1903.War between Russia and Japan, 1904.SIR HENRY CAMPBELL - BANNERMANPRIME MINISTER, 1905-8.Construction of the Canadian Archives Germany demands a conference of thebuilding.Powers in regard to Morocco. Delcasse,French minister of ForeignThe Archbishop of Canterbury visitsCanada.Affairs, opposes the demand ;butresigns. 1905.1905 The Provinces of Saskatchewan and The Japanese capture Port Arthur andAlberta are created.defeat the Russians at Mukden, 1905.

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