Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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322 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1896 The Dominion government fails to passthe Manitoba School Remedial Bill.The Conservative government defeated inthe Dominion elections.1896-1911 Wilfrid Laurier prime minister. (G.C.M.G.1897.)1896 The Dominion and Manitoba governmentsarrange for the settlement of the Manitoba school question.Mackenzie and Mann acquire the LakeManitoba Railway charter. Beginningof the Canadian Northern system.Discovery of gold in the Klondike.Presidential contest between M c Kinleyand Bryan on the issue of free silver.M c Kinley elected president.Archibald Lampman s Lyrics of Earth.Gilbert Parker sSeats of the Mighty.1897 Responsible government granted to theNorth-West Territories.The Canadian Preferential Tariff.W. H. Drummond s The Habitant.The Venezuelan arbitration treaty.1898-1904 The Earl of Minto governor-general.1898 Dominion prohibition plebiscite.Organization of ihe Yukon Territory.Imperial Penny Postage inaugurated.Meeting of the Joint High Commission toconsider questions in dispute betweenCanada and the United States.Destruction of the Maine in HavanaHarbour.War between the United States and Spain.Spain recognizes the independence ofCuba and surrenders Porto Rico andthe Philippine Islands to the UnitedStates.1899 Adjournment of the Joint High Commission through failure to agree as to theAlaska Boundary.Canada organizes a contingent for servicein the South African War.British troops withdrawn from Halifaxand replaced by Canadians.The Dominion Iron and Steel Companyorganized.1900 The Liberal government sustained in theDominion elections.Canada sends further forces to SouthAfrica, including the Strathcona Horseequipped at the expense of Lord Strathcona.Prince Edward Island adopts prohibition.Great fire in Ottawa and Hull.THE JAMESON RAID, 1896.GENEBAL KITCHENEB BEGINSVANCE UP THE NILE, 1896.HIS ADFrance annexes Madagascar, 1896.The Pope declares Anglican orders invalid, 1896.THE QUEEN S DIAMOND JUBILEE, 1897.AN IMPEBIAL CONFEBENCE HELD ATLONDON, 1897.The Franco-Russian Alliance proclaimed,1897.GBEAT BBITAIN DENOUNCES THE GEBMANAND BELGIAN TBEATIES, 1897.Greece sends troops to Crete. War between Greece and Turkey, 1897.FAMINE IN INDIA, 1897.Rostand s Cyrano de Bergerac, 1897.LOCAL GOVEBNMENT GBANTED TO IRELAND, 1898.RITUALIST CONTROVERSY IN THE CHURCHOF ENGLAND, 1898.Zola writes his letter J Accuse, 1898.The Czar proposes general disarmament,1898.KITCHENER DEFEATS THE DERVISHES ATTHE ATBARA AND AT OMDUBMAN, 1898.The French under Marchand occupyFashoda, 1898.The Boxer Society organized in Chinato resist foreigners, 1898.SIDNEY LEE S LIFE OF SHAKESPEARE,1898.Peace Conference at The Hague, 1899.THE JOHANNESBUBG OUTLANDERS PETITION THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT TOOBTAIN FOB THEM A MORE LIBEBALFBANCHISE, 1899.THE SOUTH AFRICAN BEPUBLIC DECLABESWAR ON GREAT BBITAIN AND is JOINEDBY THE ORANGE FREE STATE, 1899.AUSTRALIA APPROVES BY REFERENDUMOF A FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, 1899.MARCONI ESTABLISHES WIRELESS TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION BETWEENENGLAND AND FBANCE, 1899,Assassination of King Humbert of Italy,1900.

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