Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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16 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESCommander-in-chief in New Brunswick (1829-31), 13 199.Black, William John. Principal of ManitobaAgricultural College, 20 445.Black River, south of Lake Superior. Petunsestablished at, 1 69.Black Rock. Captured by Colonel Bisshopp,3 244 ; burnt by Sir Phineas Riall, 252 ;abortive British attempt on, 259-60.Black Watch. Bagpipes play at Ticonderoga,1 266. See alao Forty-second Regiment.Blackbourn, Joseph. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Blackfeet, Indian tribe. Visited by AnthonyHendry, 4 649 ;raid Fort Carlton, 5 3<strong>23</strong> ;encountered by Milton and Cheadle, 325 ;cede territory, 7 597, 19 159-61 ;and disappearance of buffalo, 7 601 ; their territoryand numbers, 11 115, 20 286.Blackfoot Crossing (Bow River). Indian treatyconcluded at, 7 597.Bladen, Martin (1680-1746). Boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner, 1 191, 8 889, 911.*Bladensburg. American defeat at, 3 269.Blaeberry River, a tributary of the Columbia.Discovered oy Duncan M c Gillivray, 8 859 n. ;David Thompson on the, 4 866.Elaine, Archibald, Keutenant. Holds FortLigonier, 3 64.Blaine, James Gillespie (1830-93), Americanstatesman. Justifies seizure of Canadiansealers, 8 724 ; and the Bering arbitration,731, 732 ;and <strong>com</strong>mercial union with LatinBlair, Adam Johnston Fergusson (1815-67), 6 22.Blair, Andrew George (1844-1907), premier ofNew Brunswick (1883-96). Effects reformsas premier of New Brunswick, 14 428 ;and<strong>com</strong>mercial union, 6 110; minister ofRailways, 131, 14 428; his railway policy,10 466, 467 his ; resignation, 6 149 ; chiefrailway <strong>com</strong>missioner, 150, 10 471 ; resigns,6 153.Blais, Andr& Albert (6. 1842). Roman Catholicbishop of Rimouski, 11 108.Blake, Edward (1833-1912), premier of Ontario(1871-72). His double victory in 1867, 17110 and n. ;declines leadership of provincial opposition, 113 ; opposes dualrepresentation, 113-14, 134; condemnsCameron for undertaking Whelan s defence,115 ;condemns concession of betterterms to Nova Scotia, 116 ;leader ofopposition, 117 his;devotional appeal in1871, 120-1 ;moves resolution on railwayaid, 120 ;condemns Sandfield Macdonald srailway policy, 1<strong>23</strong> ;attacks Ryerson aeducation policy, 18 318, 389 ;accused ofcorruption, 17 124-5 and n. ;and provincialrights, 159 his administration as ; premier,128-35 ; elects to sit in federal house, 135 ;joins Mackenzie s administration, 6 64 ;hisattitude on Pacific Scandal, 57, 59 ; andVancouver Island railway, 66 ; opposesC.P.R. contract, 89-91 ;his attack onmonopoly clause, 19 115-16; support*Canada First party, 670; leader of opposition in federal house, 88 ;his electionaddress in 1882, 92 ;on validation of ScottAct, 97 ;his attitude on Scott tragedy, 44,17 130-1, 133-4, 19 89 ; on Riel s mentalcondition, 6 104, 105 ; resigns leadership,106 ;on protection as an established policy,9 167 ;his letter on reciprocity (1891) andits effect, 6 113-15 ;as a public man, 25-6,17 110, 135-6.Blake, William Hume (1809-70). Professorin King s College, Toronto, 18 364.Blakey, Robert 1790-1858). Anglican clergyman at Prescott, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Blanc, Rene le. Pioneer colonist at Minas,13 52.Blanc Sablon. Jacques Cartier at, 1 29, 33, 34.Blanchard, C. W. Theatre lessee in Montreal,12 655.Blanchard, Jotham (d. 1840). Founds ColonialPatriot at Pictou, 13 276 ;attacks Dalhousiea abuse of prerogative, 276-7 ;returned to Nova Scotia assembly, 280-1.Blanche, Gustavo (b. 1848). Roman Catholicbishop of Gulf of St Lawrence, 11 109.Blanchet, Francois (1776-1830). Contributorto Le Canadien, 12 443.Blanchet, .Francois Norbert. Missionary priestin New Brunswick, 11 42.Blanchet, Norbert F.America, 9 163-4 ; enters into trade convention with Newfoundland, 8 704 ;his nameused in Canadian election campaign of 1891,9 168-9 his ; reciprocity conditions, 169.Blainville, Celoron de. Claims Ohio for France,1 <strong>23</strong>6.Missionary priest in theWest, 11 128, 149, 162.Blanshard, Richard (d. 1894). First governorof Vancouver Island, 21 87, 89 ;arrives inVictoria (1850), 90; treatment accorded to,90-1 ;his reports, 92-3 ;and Indian troublesat Fort Rupert, 93-6 ;censured by Grey andresigns, 96 ;his life in retirement, 97 ; 125.Blatchley, W. D. (1843-1903). Canadian designer and painter, 12 609.Blenkhorn, Thomas. Justice of peace inBritish Columbia, 21 106 ; petitions forretention of Governor Blanshard, 121 ;1<strong>23</strong>.Blenkmsop. Accused of sending Indians inpursuit of Hudson s Bay Company deserters,21 93-4, 95-6.Blessed Virgin Mary, Order of the Presentationof tne, 11 91.Blewett, Mrs Jean (b. 1862). Canadian writerof verse, 12 588.Bliss, Daniel (1739-1805). Member of firstcouncil of New Brunswick, 13 154, 155.Bliss, John Murray (1771-1834). Presidentand eommander-in-chief in New Brunswick(1824-31), 13 195.Bliss, Jonathan (d. 1822). Attorney-general ofNew Brunswick, 13 154 ;candidate for StJohn in 1785, 13 164 ; chief justice, 167.Blonde, frigate. Its crew rescued by Americanprivateers, 13 224.Bloods, Indian tribe. Cede territory, 7 597.Bloody Fall. Massacre of Eskimos at, 4671-2 ;Franklin at, 680-1 ;Richardsonabandons boats at, 684 ;Rae finds difficultyin reaching, 5 300.

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