Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914 321CANADAEUROPE1 889 Wilfred Campbell s * Lake Lyrics and OtherPoems.1890 Manitoba abolishes separate schools.The municipalities of Ontario granted localoption in regard to prohibition of theliquor traffic.The M Kinley tariff.Sara Jeannette Duncan s A Social Departure.1891 The Conservative government sustained inthe Dominion elections.Letter from the Hon Edward Blake tothe West Durham electors.Death of Sir John Macdonald.1891-92 Sir John Abbott prime minister.1891 J. Israel Taite makes charges of corruption against Sir Hector Langevin andThomas MGreevy.Mercier dismissed from the premiership ofQuebec because of the Bale des Chaleursscandal.The Canadian Pacific Railway establishesits transpacific steamship line.Abb6 H. R. Casgrain s Montcalm etLevis.Ooldwin Smith s Canada and the CanadianQuestion.1892-94 Sir John Thompson prime minister.1892 Parkman s Half Century of Conflict.Gilbert Parker sPierre and His People.1893-98 The Earl of Aberdeen governor-general.1893 The Bering Sea Arbitration.Bliss Carman s Low Tide on Grand Pre.Charles G. D. Roberts s Songs of theCommon Day.1894 Death of Sir John Thompson.1894-96 Sir Mackenzie Bowell prime minister.1894 Agitation of the Protestant ProtectiveAssociation in Ontario.The Patrons of Industry enter the politicalcontest in Ontario.Pope s Memoirs of Sir John Macdonald.1895 Resignation of members of the BowellMinistry.Opening of the Sault Ste Marie Canal.President Cleveland sends a message toCongress regarding the Boundary dispute between the United Kingdom andVenezuela.Insurrection in Cuba.1896 Sir Charles Tapper prime minister.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IBoulanger is denounced and flees fromFrance, 1889.A CHABTER IS GRANTED TO THE BRITISHSOUTH AFRICA COMPANY, FORMED BYRHODES AND BEIT, 1889.AS A RESULT OF THE O SHEA DIVORCESUIT PARNELL is DEPOSED FROM THELEADERSHIP OF THE MAJORITY OF THENATIONALIST PARTY, 1890.FREE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ESTABLISHED IN ENGLAND, 1890.Bismarck retires from the Germanchancellorship, 1890.THE UNITED KINGDOM CEDES HELIGOLAND TO GERMANY, 1890.DRUMMOND S NATURAL LAW IN THESPIRITUAL WORLD, 1890.Pope Leo s Encyclical on Labour, 1891.W. E. GLADSTONE PRIME MINISTER,1892-94.KIPLING S BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS,1892.ZANGWILL S CHILDREN OF THE GHETTO,1892.GLADSTONE S SECOND HOME RULE BILLPASSES THE COMMONS BUT is REJECTEDBY THE LORDS, 1893.THE EARL OF ROSEBERY PRIME MINISTER,1894-95.War between China and Japan, 1894-95.KIPLING S JUNGLE BOOK, 1894.Du MAURIER S TRILBY, 1894.IAN MACLAREN S BESIDE THE BONNIEBRIER BUSH, 1894.Zola begins his Trois Villes Lourdes,Rome, Paris, 1894.THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURY PRIMEMINISTER, 1895-1902.DISPUTES ARISE BETWEEN THE UNITEDKINGDOM AND THE SOUTH AFRICANREPUBLIC, 1895.Nansen reaches 86 14 north lat., 1895.Rontgen discovers the X-rays, 1895.LORD ROSEBERY RESIGNS THE LEADERSHIP OF THE LIBERAL PARTY, 1896.JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN PROPOSES ACOLONIAL ZOLLVEREIN, 1896.

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