Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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320 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1884 Isabella Valancy Crawford s * Old SpooksesPass and Other Poems.Parkman s Montcalm and Wolfe.Justin Winsor sHistory of America.1885 The Dominion Franchise Act passed.Rising of Metis and Indians in the North-West under the leadership of Kiel.Troops sent to the North-West underGeneral Middleton. Engagements atCut Knife Hill, Fish Creek, and Batoche,capture of Kiel, and suppression of therevolt.Execution of Riel. Agitation in Quebecagainst the Dominion government spolicy.Completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway.The Dominion government imposes a taxon Chinese entering Canada.Abb H. R. Casgrain s Pelerinage au Paysd Evang61ine.1886 Debate in parliament over the executionof Riel.The United States seizes Canadian sealingvessels in Bering Sea.Archbishop Taschereau of Quebec madea cardinal.First through train from Montreal toVancouver.Charles Mair sTecumseh.1887 The Conservative government sustainedin the Dominion elections.Wilfrid Laurier succeeds Edward Blake asleader of the Liberal party.Sir Richard Cartwright declares in favourof <strong>com</strong>mercial union with the UnitedStates.Interprovincial Conference held at Quebec.1888-93 Baron Stanley of Preston governorgeneralof Canada.1888 The Jesuits Estates Bill passed in Quebec.A motion in the Dominion parliamentfor disallowance is defeated.The Equal Rights Association formed inOntario.The Liberal party proposes unrestrictedreciprocity wtfh the United States.Agitation in Manitoba against the monopoly clause of the Canadian PacificRailway Company and its abrogation.Archibald Lampman s Among the Milletand Other Poems.1889 Joseph Martin announces the policy ofabolishing separate schools in Manitoba.ARABI PASHA LEADS THE NATIONALISTMOVEMENT IN EGYPT. THE BRITISHFLEET BOMBARDS ALEXANDRIA AND ABRITISH ARMY DEFEATS ARABI AT TEL-EL-KEBIR AND OCCUPIES EGYPT. 1882.FROUDE S LIFE OF CARLYLE, 1882.R. L. STEVENSON S TREASURE ISLAND,1883.OLIVE SCHREINER S STORY OF ANAFRICAN FARM, 1883.A NEW FRANCHISE BILL CARRIED IN THEUNITED KINGDOM, 1884.BY THE CONVENTION OF LONDON THEINDEPENDENCE OF THE TRANSVAAL ISRECOGNIZED, 1884.MARQUIS OF SALISBURY PRIME MINISTER,1885-86.FALL OF KHARTUM AND DEATH OFGORDON, 1885.The Berlin Congress recognizes the CongoFree State, 1885.Pasteur discovers a cure for hydrophobia,1885.LESLIE STEPHEN AND SIDNEY LEE BEGINPUBLICATION OF THE DICTIONARY OFNATIONAL BIOGRAPHY, 1885.W. E. GLADSTONE PRIME MINISTER, 1886.GLADSTONE S FIRST HOME RULE BILLDEFEATED, 1886.MARQUIS OF SALISBURY PRIME MINISTER,1886-92.THE INDIAN AND COLONIAL EXHIBITIONIN LONDON, 1886.Gold is discovered in the Transvaal, 1886.Russia begins the Trans-Siberian Railway, 1886.RENEWAL OF LAND WAR IN IRELAND, 1887.Beginning of the Kiel Canal, 1887.End of the Kulturkampf in Germany, 1887,Ferdinand of Coburg accepts the crownof Bulgaria, 1887.Crispi be<strong>com</strong>es prime minister of Italy,1887.COLONIAL CONFERENCE IN LONDON, 1887.Frederick III German Emperor, 1888.William II German Emperor, 1888.A SPECIAL COMMISSION INVESTIGATES THHCHARGES OF THE TlMES AGAINSTPARNELL, 1888.The Pasteur Institute established inParis, 1888.Pope Leo s Encyclical on Human Liberty,1888.KIPLING S PLAIN TALES FROM THEHILLS, 1888.James Bryce s American Commonwealth, 1888.PlGOTT CONFESSES TO FORGING THEPARNELL LETTERS, 1889.

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