Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914 319CANADAEUROPE1878 The Canada Temperance Act or ScottAct.Letellier de St Just dismisses the QuebecCabinet.Sir John Macdonald moves a resolutionsetting forth his national policy of protection.The Liberal government defeated in theDominion elections.1878-91 Sir John Macdonald prime minister.1878 Robert G. Ingersoll begins his lecturesagainst the dogmas of Christianity.1879 The Dominion government dismissesLetellier de St Just from the lieutenantgovernorshipof Quebec.A protective tariff adopted.Resumption of specie payment in theUnited States.Louis Frechette sHenry George sFlours Boreales.Progress and Poverty.1880 Edward Blake succeeds Alexander Mackenzie as leader of the Liberal party.Agreement with the Canadian PacificRailway Company for the constructionof the Pacific Railway.Appointment of a Canadian high <strong>com</strong>missioner to the United Kingdom.First publication of theCharles 0. D. Roberts sPoems.Bystander.Orion and Other1881 Assassination of President Garfield.The Ontario Judicature Act remodels thejudicial system of the province.Work begun by the new <strong>com</strong>pany on theCanadian Pacific Railway.Jules Paul Tardivel founds La Verite.Pamphile Le May sFables Canadienues.1882 The Dominion Redistribution Act or*Gerrymander Act.Founding of the Royal Society of Canada.1883 Amalgamation of the Grand Trunk andGreat Western Railways.1883-88 Marquess of Lansdowne governor-generalof Canada.1883 Beginning of the work of the SalvationArmy in Canada.1884 The M6tis Bill of Rights. Riel is invitedback to Canada.SIR THEOPHILUS SHEPSTONE ANNEXESTHE TRANSVAAL, 1877.Ibsen s Pillars of Society, 1877.Leo <strong>XII</strong>I Pope, 1878-1903.The Treaty of San Stefano betweenRussia and Turkey, 1878.The Berlin Congress considers theEastern Question and the Treaty ofBerlin revises the terms made betweenTurkey and Russia. The autonomy ofBulgaria is recognized and Austria-Hungary is granted a protectorate overBosnia and Herzegovina. 1878.LECKY S HISTORY or ENGLAND IN THEEIGHTEENTH CENTURY, 1878.MICHAEL DAVITT FOUNDS THE IRISHLAND LEAGUE, 1879.Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary, 1879.THE BRITISH CONQUER ZULULAND, 1879.BRITISH INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN, 1879.MAX MtJLLER BEGINS HIS SACRED BOOKSOF THE EAST, 1879.EDWIN ARNOLD S LIGHT OF ASIA, 1879.Treitschke s History of Germany in theNineteenth Century, 1879.W. E. GLADSTONE PRIME MINISTER,1880-85.PARNELL BECOMES LEADER OF THE IRISHHOME RULE PARTY, 1880.THE TRANSVAAL PROCLAIMS ITS INDEPENDENCE, 1880.Bismarck relaxes the laws against Catholics, 1880.Assassination of Alexander II of Russia,1881.Alexander III of Russia, 1881-94.IRISH LAND BILL, 1881.LAND WAR IN IRELAND AND ARREST OFPARNELL, 1881.The French occupy Tunis, 1881.Rising of the Mahdi in the EgyptianSudan, 1881.BATTLES OF LAING S NEK AND MAJUBA,1881.THE CONVENTION OF PRETORIA RESTORESSELF-GOVERNMENT TO THE TRANSVAAL,1881.FLINDERS PETRTE BEGINS EXCAVATIONSIN EGYPT, 1881.THE REVISED VERSION OF THE NEWTESTAMENT, 1881.Ibsen s Ghosts, 1881.MURDER OF CAVENDISH AND BURKE INPHOENIX PARK, DUBLIN, 1882.Italy joins Germany and Austria in theTriple Alliance, 1882.

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