Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1872-9G Oliver Mowat prime minister of Ontario.1872 Organization of the Ontario Society ofArtists.First publication of theMonthly.1873 The * Pacific Scandal.(Canadian1873-78 Alexander Mackenzie prime minister.1873 Prince Edward Island enters Confederation.Organization o! the North-West MountedPolice.The Orange Lodge Incorporation Billpasses the Ontario legislature.The Ontario government relieves the municipalities of their indebtedness to theMunicipal Loan Fund.1874 The Liberal government sustained in theDominion elections.The Carnarvon Arbitration between theDominion and British Columbia.The Canadian National Association organized. The Canada First movement.Decision of the Privy Council ra theGuibord case.Opening of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph.1875 The Supreme Court of Canada established.The various branches of the PresbyterianChurch unite as the Presbyterian Churchof Canada.Riots in Montreal at the burial of Guibord.1876 Lord Dufferin visits British Columbia.The Royal Military College at Kingston isfounded.1877 Wilfrid Laurier s speech at Quebec onPolitical Liberalism.Organization of the University of Manitoba.1878-83 The Marquis of Lome governor-general.Schliemaim begins excavations at Troy,1870.ABOLITION OF THE PURCHASE OF COMMISSIONS IN THE ARMY, 1871.ABOLITION OF RELIGIOUS TESTS IN THEUNIVERSITIES, 1871.TRADE UNIONS ARE LEGALIZED, 1871.Organization of the German Empire,1871.The Germans defeat the new Frencharmies and capture Paris, 1871.By the Peace of Frankfort France surrenders to Germany Alsace and Lorraine and agrees to pay an indemnityof five billion francs, 1871.A republic established in France, 1871.The revolt of the Commune in Parissuppressed after much bloodshed, 1871.LIVINGSTONE DISCOVERS THE UPPERCONGO, 1871.DARWIN S DESCENT OF MAN, 1871.THE BALLOT INTRODUCED IN THE UNITEDKINGDOM, 1872.League of the Emperors ofAustria and Russia, 1872.Germany,Beginning of the Kulturkampf in Germany, 1872.RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT GRANTED INCAPE COLONY, 1872.Death of Napoleon III, 1873.BENJAMIN DISRAELI PRIME MINISTER,1874-80. (Created Earl of Beaconsfieldin 1876.)ISAAC BUTT INTRODUCES A MOTION INFAVOUR OF HOME RULE FOR IRELAND,1874.GREEN S SHORT HISTORY OF THEENGLISH PEOPLE, 1874.STUBBS S CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OFENGLAND, 1874.The Universal Postal Union established,1874.DISRAELI BUYS SUEZ CANAL SHARES FORTHE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, 1875.PLIMSOLL CARRIES THE MERCHANTSSHIPPING BILL, 1876.Completion of the Intercolonial Railway.The administration of education inOntario is placed under a minister of thecrown.A branch of Laval University establishedat Montreal.Tolstoi s Anna Karenina, 1875-78.The Democratic party believed to havewon the presidential election ;but an Serbia and Montenegro declare war onelectoral <strong>com</strong>mission decides in favourof the Republicans.Invention of the telephone by AlexanderGraham Bell.Turkey,A 1876.revolt in Bulgaria is suppressed withmany atrocities, 1876.HERBERT SPENCER S PRINCIPLES OFSOCIOLOGY, 1876.QUEEN VICTORIA PROCLAIMED EMPRESSOF INDIA, 1877.War between Russia and Turkey, 1877.Rumania declares its independence ofTurkey, 1877.

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