Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914317PERIOD IV. THE DOMINION, 1867-1914CANADAEUROPE1867-681867-73186718681869-721869187018711872-781872Viscount Monck governor-general of theDominion of Canada.Sir John Alexanderminister.MacdonaldprimeNova Scotia, led by Howe, asks to withdraw from Confederation.The Reconstruction Act passed over thePresident s veto.The United States purchases Alaska fromRussia.Murder of Thomas D Arcy M c Gee.Impeachment of President Johnson.The Ku-Klux Klan.BENJAMIN DISRAELI PRIME MINISTER,1868.W. E. GLADSTONE1868-74.enter politics. DISRAELI S LOTHAIR, 1870.PRIMH MINISTER,Sir John Young governor-general. Poland incorporated into Russia, 1868.(Created Baron Lisgar 1870.)BROWNING S THE RING AND THE BOOK,1868.Joseph Howe enters the Dominion governDISESTABLISHMENT OF THB CHtrROH OFment.IRELAND, 1869.Better Terms granted to Nova Scotia.Meeting of the Vatican Council, 1869.Canada purchases the North-West TerriOpening of the Suez Canal, 1869.tories from the Hudson s Bay Company.The Canadian government provides for theadministration of the Red River territory.The Red River insurrection under LouisRieLDonald Smith s mission to the Red River.The Institut Canadian of Montreal condemned by the authorities of the RomanCatholic Church. Beginning of the THE IRISH LAND ACT, 1870.Ouibord case.THE IRISH HOME GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION, 1870.Riel executes Thomas Scott.The Franco-Prussian War. The GermansBishop Tache s mission to the Red River. deieat and capture Napoleon III atExpedition to the Red River under General Sedan. Overthrow of the FrenchWolseley.Empire and establishment of a governThe Province of Manitoba created.ment of National Defence. The GerRenewalmansof Fenian raids.capture Metz and Strassburg andbesiege Paris. 1870.British Columbia enters Confederation.Attempted Fenian raid on Manitoba.The South German states enter the NorthGerman Confederation, 1870.The General Bank Act establishing the The Vatican Council defines Papal InCanadian banking system.fallibility, 1870.The Washington Treaty.Italy seizes Rome and the PapalOverthrow of the Tweed Ring in New dominions, 1870.York.DIAMONDS FOUND AT KIMBERLEY, WHICHIS OCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH, 1870.The Earl of Duff erin governor-general ofTHE REVISION OF THE AUTHORIZED VERCanada.SION OF THE BIBLE BEGUN, 1870.The San Juan Arbitration award. NEWMAN S GRAMMAR OF ASSENT, 1870.Oliver Mowat resigns from the bench to ROSSETTI S POEMS, 1870.

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