Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1863 Lee wins the battle of Chancellorsvillebut is defeated at Gettysburg.Grant captures Vicksburg and controlsthe Mississippi.France offers the crown of Mexico toMaximilian of Austria.Philippe Aubert de Gaspe s Les AnoiensCanadians.Louis Frechette s Mes Loisirs.1866 Joseph Howe leads a delegation from NovaScotia to oppose Confederation.First meeting of the Canadian parliamentat Ottawa.The Fenian raids.Failure of the Bank of Upper Canada.Whittier s Snow-Bound.1867 Confederation of the Provinces of Canada,New Brunswick and Nova Scotia intothe Dominion of Canada.Insurrection in Poland, 1863-64.HUXLEY S MAN S PLACE IN NATURE,1863.Kenan s Vie de Jesus, 1863.1864-67 Tach6-Macdonald Ministry.1864 Coalition of parties to work for CanadianConfederation. George Brown be<strong>com</strong>esa member of the Tache-MacdonaldCabinet.Toe Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences regarding Confederation.Raid of Confederate sympathizers fromCanada on St Albans, Vermont.Struggle between Grant and Lee in theWilderness.Sherman marches through Georgia andcaptures Savannah.Lincoln is re-elected president by a largemajority.1865 General Lee surrenders at Appomattox.End of the Confederacy.Murder of President Lincoln.The Nova Scotia legislature declares infavour of Confederation.Bishop Machray succeeds Bishop AndersonMATTHEW ARNOLD Sin Rupert s Land.Negro insurrection in Jamaica.ParkmanLAND, 1865.s Pioneers of France in theNew World.WagnerAustria and Prussia conquer Denmarkand annex Schleswig-Holstein, 1864.NEWMAN S APOLOGIA, 1864.DEATH OF LORD PALMERSTON, 1866.EARL RUSSELL PRIME MINISTER, 1866-66.RUSKIN S SESAME AND LILIES, 1865.ESSAYS IN CRITICISM, 1865.LEWIS CARROLL S ALICE IN WONDERs Tristan und Isolde, 1866.THE EARL OF DERBY PRIME MINISTER,1866-68.Prussia and Austria quarrel over Schleswig-Holstein. Prussia withdraws fromthe German Union, forms an alliancewith Italy, and makes war on Austria,Hanover, Saxony and other Germanstates. 1866.Austria is defeated at Koniggratz, expelled from the German Union, andloses Venetia to Italy, 1866.Prussia annexes Hanover and other smallGerman states, 1866.DISRAELI CARRIES A REFORM BILL, 1867.FENIAN RISING IN IRELAND, 1867.The neutrality of Luxemburg guaranteed,1867.The North German Federation established under the presidency of theKing of Prussia, 1867.Hungary is granted responsible government, 1867.Garibaldi attacks Rome and is defeatedby the Papal army and a French detachment, 1867.BAGEHOT S ENGLISH CONSTITUTION,1867.Karl Marx s Capital, 1867.

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