Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD III. UNITED CANADA, 1840-67CANADAEUROPE1863 Lincoln proclaims the abolition of slavery. mark to liberate Schleswig-Holstein, 1803.1858-59 Henry Yule Hind explores thewest of Lake Winnipeg.country THE PIKENIX SOCIETY, THE BEGINNINGOF FENIANISM, 1858.1858 The Hudson s Bay Company surrenders tothe crown its control of VancouverIsland.Bush of gold seekers to the Eraser River,British Columbia.Oliver Wendell Holmes s Autocrat of theBreakfast Table.1859 Work begun on the Parliament buildings, TENNYSON S IDYLLS OF THE KING,Ottawa.1859.Opening of the Victoria Bridge, Montreal. VISCOUNT PALMERSTON PRIME MINISTER,John Brown seizes Harper s Ferry and 1859-65.promotes a slave uprising ;but is cap FORMATION OF THE VOLUNTEERS, 1859.tured and executed.France and Sardinia make war onPaul Kane s Wanderings of an Artist Austria, 1859.among the Indian Tribes of North LIVINGSTONE DISCOVERS LAKE NYASA,America.1859.1860 Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada. QUEENSLAND SEPARATED FROM NEWLaying of the corner-stone of the Parlia SOUTH WALES, 1859.ment buildings, Ottawa.GEORGE ELIOT S ADAM BEDE, 1859.Completion of the Grand Trunk Railway. FITZGERALD S RUBAIYAT OF OMARThe Republican party wins the presi KHAYYAM, 1859.dential election in the United States. MILL S ESSAY ON LIBERTY, 1859.South Carolina secedes from the United DARWIN S ORIGIN OF SPECIES, 1859.1861-67States.Garibaldi begins a revolution in Sicily.Viscount Monck governor -in -chief of Sardinia conquers Sicily and NaplesCanada.and part of the Papal States. 1860.1861-65 Abraham Lincoln president of the United MILL S REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT,States.1860.1861 Tolstoi sDeath of William Lyon Mackenzie.War and Peace, 1860.DEATH OFFounding of the AllanTHE PRINCESteamship Company.CONSORT, 1861.Meeting ofWilliamthe first Synod of the AnglicanKing of Prussia, 1861-88.Province of Canada.Victor Emmanuel II King of Italy, 1861-The Southern States secede and form the78.Confederate States of America. Jeffer Emancipation of the Russian serfs, 1861.son Davis president.GEORGE ELIOT S SILAS MARNER, 1861.President Lincoln calls for volunteers andproclaims a blockade of the Confederacy.The Trent Affair. Danger of war betweenthe United States and Great Britain.Ferland s Cours d Histoire du Canada.1862-63 Sandfield Macdonald-Sicotte administra Bismarck be<strong>com</strong>es chief minister intion.Prussia and carries through a military1862-63 Journey of Milton and Cheadle, of the policy against the opposition of parliaRoyal Geographical Society, across the ment, 1862.continent to discover the best route for GEORGE MEREDITH S POEMS AND BALa highway.LADS, 1862.1862 The Alabama, built in England, attacks HERBERT SPENCER SUnited States <strong>com</strong>merce.1862.FIRST PRINCIPLES,The battles of Shiloh, Bull Run (2nd),Victor Hugo s Les Miserables, 1862.Antietam and Federicksburg.Antoine Germ-Lai oie publishes the firstpart of * Jean Rivard.1863-64 Sandfield Macdonald-Dorion administra MILL S UTILITARIANISM, 1863.tion.The German Union makes war on Den

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