Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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314 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1853 Death of Bishop Provencher. Tache be<strong>com</strong>es bishop of the North-West.Decimal system of currency is adopted inCanada. Came into operation 1858.Ocean mail service to the British Islesestablished.1854-61 Sir Edmund Walker Head governor-inchiefof Canada.1854-55 MacNab-Morin administration in Canada.1854 Secularization of the Clergy Reserves.Abolition of seigneurial tenure.Reciprocity Treaty between Canada andthe United States.Beginning of the Victoria Bridge atMontreal.Captain M c Clurc, after important Arcticexplorations, abandons his ship andreturns to England, <strong>com</strong>pleting theNorth-West Passage.Dr John Rae obtains news o! the fate ofFranklin.The Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Civil war inKansas.The Republican partyia formed in theUnited States.Octave Cremazie publishes his first poems.1855-66 MacNab-Tache administration.1855 The Canadian government assumes maintenance of the militia.1856-57 Tache-Macdonald administration.1856 Legislative council of Canada is madeelective.The first legislative assembly of VancouverIsland meets.1857-58 Macdonald-Cartier administration.1857-60 Captain John Palliser surveys the countryfrom the Red River to the Columbia.1857-58 Simon J. Dawson surveys the countryfrom Lake Superior to the Red RiverSettlement.1857-59 The M c Clintock expedition explores theArctic regions and obtains news of thedeath of Franklin.1857 The Dred Scott case.Charles Heavysege sSaul.1858-70 William M c Tavish governor of Assiniboia.1858-64 James Douglas governor of the newcolony of British Columbia.1858 The Double Shuffle.Alexander Gait proposes Canadian Confederation.Ottawa the seat of government for Canada.First coins of the decimal currency issuedin Canada.Count Cavour prime minister of Sardinia, 1852.DEATH OF THE DUKJS OF WELLINGTON,1852.CONSTITUTION GRANTED TO NEW ZEALAND, 1852.INDEPENDENCE OF THE TRANSVAALRECOGNIZED, 1852.THACKERAY S HENRY ESMOND, 1862.CAPE COLONY GRANTED REPRESENTATIVEINSTITUTIONS, 1853.CRIMEAN WAR, 1854-56.Mommsen s History of Rome, 1854.BATTLES OF ALMA, BALACLAVA ANDINKERMAN. SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL.1854.De Lesseps proposes the construction ofthe Suez Canal, 1854.INDEPENDENCE OF THESTATE, 1854.ORANGE FREEKINGSLEY S WESTWARD Ho ! 1855.Alexander II Czar of Russia, 1866-81.VISCOUNT PALMERSTON PRIME MINISTER,1855-59.CAPTURE OF SEBASTOPOL, 1855.RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT INTRODUCEDINTO ALL THE BRITISH COLONIES OFAUSTRALIA EXCEPT WESTERN AUSTRALIA, 1855.HERBERT SPENCER S PRINCIPLES OFPSYCHOLOGY, 1855.THE TREATY OF PARIS ENDS THE CRIMEANWAR, 1856.THE INDIAN MUTINY. MASSACRE OFCAWNPORE. DEFENCE OF LUCKNOWAND CAPTURE OF DELHI. 1857-58.The French <strong>com</strong>plete the conquest ofAlgeria, 1857.GEORGE ELIOT S SCENES OF CLERICALLIFE, 1857.BUCKLE S HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION,1857.THE EARL OF DERBY PRIME MINISTER,1858-59.INDIA TRANSFERRED TO THE CROWN, 1858.China opened to European <strong>com</strong>merce,1858.Japan opened to European <strong>com</strong>merce,1858.DARWIN AND WALLACE PROPOUND THETHEORY OF EVOLUTION, 1858.CARLYLE S FREDERICK THE GREAT, 1858,

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