Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD III. UNITED CANADA, 1840-67 313CANADAEUROPE1849 A policy inaugurated of government aidto railways.The Rebellion Losses Bill.Riot in Montreal when Lord Elgin signsthe Rebellion Losses Bill. Burning ofthe Parliament buildings. Parliamenthenceforth meets in Toronto andQuebec.The Municipal System of Upper Canadaestablished.An association formed advocating theannexation of Canada to the UnitedStates.Secularization of King s College, Toronto.1850 Resolutions carried in the Canadian legislature in favour of secularization of theClergy Reserves.Proposal made for a federal union ofBritish North America.New School Act in Upper Canada. Recognition of separate schools.The Compromise of 1850 between thepro-slavery and anti-slavery parties inthe United States. The Fugitive Slavelaw passed. Beginning of the underground railway to Canada.Hawthorne s Scarlet Letter.1851-63 James Douglas governor of VancouverIsland.1851 Resignation of Baldwin and La Fontaine.The Hincks-Morin Ministry.The British provinces in North Americaobtain control of their post offices.Postage stamps first issued in Canada.The Grand Trunk Railway Companyformed.Father Tache is consecrated bishop andappointed coadjutor to Bishop Provencherin the North-West.Maine prohibits the sale of intoxicants.Longfellow s Golden Legend.Parkman s Conspiracy of Pontiac.1852 The Consolidated Municipal Loan Fundestablished in Canada.Charter granted to the Grand Trunk Railway Company.Opening of Trinity College, Toronto.Mrs Moodie s Roughing it in the Bush.Harriet Beecher Stowe s Uncle Tom sCabin.Revolutions in various states of Italy.Constitutions granted in Sicily andNaples ;but subsequently revoked.1848.Constitutions granted in Prussia andother German states. A convention atFrankfort arranges for a closer unionof the German states. 1848.Insurrections in Vienna and Hungary.Ferdinand abdicates and FrancisJoseph be<strong>com</strong>es Emperor. 1848.Insurrections of the Poles and Czechs arecrushed, 1848.THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, THE FIRSTSANITARY LEGISLATION, PASSED, 1848.THACKERAY S VANITY FAIR AND BOOKOF SNOBS, 1848.David Anderson appointed first Anglicanbishop of Rupert s Land.Vancouver Island granted to the Hudson sBay Company.MILL SNOMY,PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECO1848.1849-51 Richard Blanshard REPEAL OF THEgovernor of VancouverNAVIGATION LAWS, 1849.Charles AlbertIsland.defeated by the Austrians.Victor Emmanuel be<strong>com</strong>es King ofSardinia. 1849.A republic isproclaimed at Rome, butthe Pope s government is restored bythe French. 1849.The Hungarians under Kossuth declaretheir independence ; but are crushedby Austria and Russia. 1849.SECOND SIKH WAR. ANNEXATION OFTHE PUNJAB. 1849.Chateaubriand s Memoires d Outro-Tombe, 1849.DEATH OF SIR ROBERT PEEL, 1850.THE POPE ESTABLISHES A DIOCESANHIERARCHY IN ENGLAND, THEREBYCAUSING MUCH INDIGNATION, 1850.TENNYSON S IN MEMORIAM, 1850.ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING S SONNETS FROM THE PORTUGUESE, 1850.DICKENS S DAVID COPPERFIELD, 1850.Ibsen s Catilina, 1850.Wagner s Lohengrin, 1850.THE ECCLESIASTICAL TITLES ACT, 1851.INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION HELD INHYDE PARK, LONDON, 1851.By the Coup d Etat Louis Napoleonobtains <strong>com</strong>plete control of the Frenchgovernment, 1851.LORD PALMERSTON is DISMISSED FROMTHE FOREIGN OFFICE FOR APPROVINGTHE COUP D ETAT, 1851.RUSKIN S STONES OF VENICE, 1851.Verdi sOpera Rigoletto, 1851.Napoleon III Emperor of the Frenon,1852-70.THE EARL OF DERBY PRIME MINISTER,1852.THE EARL OF ABERDEEN PRIME MINISTER, 1852-55.

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