Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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312 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1843 King s College, Toronto, opened.The Hudson s Bay Company founds Victoria, Vancouver Island.George Brown publishes the Banner.1844 The government of Canada removed fromKingston to Montreal.Egerton Ryerson appointed assistantsuperintendent of schools in UpperCanada.Establishment of the Sisters of Charity atSt Boniface.Knox College, Toronto, founded.The * Fifty-four-forty or fight agitation.George Brown founds the Toronto Globe.1845 Sir John Franklin undertakes his lastvoyage to explore the North -WestPassage.Completion of the Beauharnois Canal.Opening of Bishop s College, Lennoxville.Texas admitted to the United States as aslave-state.1845-48 Francois Xavier Garneau s Histoire duCanada.1846-47 Lord Cathcart governor-in-chief of Canada.1846 Organization of the Canadian <strong>com</strong>monschool system.Report of the Commission on RebellionLosses.1846-47 Journey of Paul Kane, the Canadianartist, across the continent.1846 Oregon Boundary Treaty.1846-48 War between the United States andMexico.1846 The United States occupies California.1847-54 The Earl of Elgin governor-in-chief ofCanada.1847 Victory of the Reform party in theCanadian elections.Railway opened from Montreal to Lachine.W. H. Merritt proposes reciprocity withthe United States.Enormous death-rate among immigrantsfrom Ireland.A. H. Murray founds Fort Yukon.ARREST OF O CONNELL AND COLLAPSE OFTHE AGITATION IN IRELAND, 1843.SCOTTISH CHURCH DISRUPTION, 1843.CARLYLE S PAST AND PRESENT, 1843.MILL S LOGIC, 1843.RUSKIN S MODERN PAINTERS, vol. i,1843.TRIAL OF O CONNELL, 1844.SIR ROBERT PEEL S BANK CHARTER ACT,1844.DISRAELI S CONINGSBY, 1844.Dumas Monte Cristo, 1844.PEEL REDUCES CUSTOMS DUTIES, 1845.THE GREAT IRISH FAMINE BEGINS, 1845.WARD AND NEWMAN JOIN THE ROMANCATHOLIC CHURCH, 1845.LAYARD EXPLORES NINEVEH, 1845.Pius IX Pope, 1846-78.PEEL CARRIES A BILL FOR THE GRADUALABOLITION OF THE CORN LAWS, 1846.LORD JOHN RUSSELL PRIME MINISTER,1846-52.BREAK BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOMAND FRANCE OVER THE SPANISH BOYALMARRIAGES, 1846.GREAT IRISH EMIGRATION TO AMERICA,1847.CHARLOTTE BRONTE S JANE EYRE, 1847.Marx and Engels issue a oommunistmanifesto,1847.Longfellow s Evangeline.1848-51 La Fontaine-Baldwin administration in MONSTER PETITION OF THE CHARTISTSCanada.TO PARLIAMENT. END OF CHARTISM.1848 A Reform administration under Uniacke 1848.and Howe formed in Nova Scotia. RISING OF THE YOUNG IRELANDERS, 1848.Three expeditions in the Arctic in search Revolution in Paris. The second Frenchof Sir John Franklin.Republic established and Louis NapoLowellleon electeds Biglow president, 1848.Papers.1849 Canada passes an act offering reciprocityto the United States.

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