Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD III. UNITED CANADA, 1840-67CANADAEUROPE1840 Opening of the Cunard Line. First transatlantic mail service by steamship.Margaret Fuller and Emerson edit theDial, the organ of the AmericanTrancendentalists.Brook Farm, near Boston, established bythe Transcendentalists.QUEEN VICTORIA MARRIED TO ALBERT OFSAXE-COBOURG-GOTHA, 1840.ROWLAND HILL INTRODUCES THE PENNYPOST, 1840.SIR ROBERT PEEL PRIME MINISTER,1841-46.The Powers sign a convention by whichthe Dardanelles are closed to ships ofwar, 1841.The Powers agree to mutual right ofsearch in order to suppress the slavetrade, 1841.Kossuth and Deak be<strong>com</strong>e leaders of theHungarian nationalist party, 1841.LIVINGSTONE DISCOVERS LAKE NGAMI,1841.NEW ZEALAND BECOMES A SEPARATECOLONY, 1841.Feuerbach s Essence of Christianity,1841.PERIOD III. UNITED CANADA, 1840-67CANADAEUROPE1841 First meeting of the parliament of UnitedCanada.Robert Baldwin resigns from the Canadiangovernment because the party system isnot followed.The District Councils Act organizes localgovernment in Upper Canada.The September Resolutions in favour ofresponsible government are carried inthe Canadian legislature.Death of Lord Sydenhara.Victoria College receives its charter.Journey of Sir George Simpson, governorof the Hudson s Bay Company, acrossthe continent.Longfellow s * Ballads.1842-43 Sir Charles Bagot governor-in-chief ofCanada.1842-43 The La Fontaine-Baldwin Ministry.1842 The Ashburton Treaty.Opening of Queen s College, Kingston.1843-45 Six Charles Theophilus Metcalfe governorin-chiefof Canada.1843 Resignation of Baldwin and La Fontainefrom the government.Opening of the Cornwall and ChamblyCanals.THE YOUNG IRELAND MOVEMENT BEGINS,1842.THE BRITISH OCCUPY NATAL AND THEBOERS TREK ACROSS THE ORANGEAND VAAL RIVERS, 1842.THE BRITISH ARMY RETREATING FROMAFGHANISTAN is DESTROYED, 1842.THE OPIUM WAR ENDS WITH THE TREATYOF NANKIN. HONG KONG is CEDEDTO THE BRITISH, 1842.MACATTLAY S LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME,1842.TENNYSON S POEMS, 1842.

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