Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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3ioCHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1837 Report of the Canada Commissioners.Lord John Russell carries resolutionsthrough the British parliament authorizing the executive of Lower Canada touse the provincial revenues.Sir Francis Bond Head refuses to carryout his instructions from the homegovernment and resigns.Insurrection in Lower Canada. Engagements at St Denis and St Eustache.Papineau flees to the United States. DrWolfred Nelson is captured.Insurrection in Upper Canada. Defeat ofthe insurgents at Montgomery s Tavern.John Rolph, W. L. Mackenzie, and othersflee to the United States.Joseph Howe carries twelve resolutionsin favour of reform through the NovaScotia legislature.Wendell Phillips joins the Abolitionists.1838 Lord Durham governor-in-chief of BritishNorth America.The British parliament suspends the Constitutionof Lower Canada.Lord Durham banishes Wolfred Nelsonand other insurgents to Bermuda.Lord Durham, having been censured bythe British parliament, resigns.Lord Durham returns to England to prepare his Report.Second insurrection in Lower Canada.Lower Canada declared a republic byRobert Nelson, as president.Mrs Jameson s Winter Studies andSummer Rambles in Canada.Founding of theLiterary Garland.1839 Sir John Colborne governor-in-chief ofBritish North America.1839-41 Charles Poulett Thomson (Lord Sydenham)governor-in-chief of British NorthAmerica.1839 The Aroostook War on the border ofNew Brunswick and Maine.Lord John Russell directs that the government of Canada be administered inaccordance with the well understoodwishes of the people.The Anglican Diocese of Toronto formedand John Strachan appointed firstbishop.The first railway in Nova Scotia.1840 Act of Union, uniting Upper and LowerCanada.NEWMAN S PROPHETICAL OFFICE OF THECHURCH, 1837.VICTORIA QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN ANDIRELAND, 1837-1901.SEPARATION OF THE CROWNS OF THEUNITED KINGDOM AND HANOVER, 1837.Don Carlos defeated in Spain, 1837.COOKE AND WHEATSTONE IMPROVE THETELEGRAPH, 1837.LOCKHART S LIFE OF SCOTT, 1837.CARLYLE S FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1837.COBDEN AND BRIGHT FORM THE ANTI-CORN LAW LEAGUE, 1838.FATHER MATHEW S TEMPERANCE CRUSADE BEGINS, 1838.THE GREAT WESTERN CROSSES THEATLANTIC, 1838.SIR ROBERT PEEL PRIME MINISTER,1839.VISCOUNT MELBOURNE PRIME MINISTER,1839-41.PETITION TO PARLIAMENT IN FAVOUR OFTHE PEOPLE S CHARTER, 1839.Holland recognizes the independence andthe neutrality of Belgium, which areagain guaranteed by the Powers,1839.THE BRITISH INVADE AFGHANISTAN, 1839.THE OPIUM WAR WITH CHINA, 1839.

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