Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 309CANADAEUROPE1833 The * Royal William crosses the Atlantic.The first to do so by steam power.Father Belcourt establishes an Indianmission on the Assiniboine.Insurrection in Poland against theRussians, who have overthrown Polishautonomy, 1830.The French invade Algiers, 1830.1834 The assembly of Lower Canada passes the LORD JOHN RUSSELL INTRODUCES THENinety-Two Resolutions, setting forth REFORM BILL, WHICH PASSES THE COMpopular grievances.MONS BUT IS REJECTED BY THE LORDS.1831.The British House of Commons again inThe British andvestigates CanadianFrench grievances.<strong>com</strong>pel the Dutchto withdraw their army of invasionThe judges in Upper Canada made inde from Belgium, 1831.pendent of the Crown.A London conference establishes the inThe Reform party successful in the elections in Upper Canada.dependence of Belgiuuj.guarantee its neutrality.The Powers1831.Ii35 Lord Amherst governor-in-chief of British The Russians reconquer Poland, 1831.North America. (He did not oome to Victor Hugo s Notre Dame, 1831.Canada.)Founding of the Revue des Deux1835-38 Lord Gosford governor-in-chief of British Mondes, 1831.North America and high <strong>com</strong>missioner. FOUNDING OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATIONFOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE,1831.THE REFORM BILL PASSED, 1832.1835 Sir Charles Grey and Sir George Gippsappointed <strong>com</strong>missioners to Canadawith Lord Gosford.* Constitutional Association formed inQuebec and Montreal.Seventh Report of the Committee onGrievances in Upper Canada.Morse invents the telegraph.Haliburton begins publication of TheClockmaker.1836-38 Sir Francis Bond Head lieutenantgovernorof Upper Canada.1836-37 Sir John Harvey lieutenant-governor ofPrince Edward Island.1836 Members of the executive council ofUpper Canada resign because not consulted in acts of government.The assembly of Upper Canada refusessupplies because of want of confidencein the administration.Sir Francis Bond Head dissolves the legislature of Upper Canada and uses hisinfluence to defeat the Reform partyin the elections.The colonial secretary, Lord Glenelg,directs the lieutenant-governors of NewBrunswick and Upper Canada to admitto the executive council men havingthe confidence of the people.Joseph Howe, elected to the Nova Scotialegislature, demands responsible government.The Champlain and St Lawrence Railway,the first in Canada, opened.Texas declares its independence of Mexico.Emerson s Lecture on Nature foundsTransoenden talism .The Dutch are <strong>com</strong>pelled by the Britishand French to accept the terms of theLondon Conference, 1832-33.Poland is declared a Russian province,1832.TENNYSON S LOTUS EATEBS, 1832.JUDICIAL COMMITTEE OF THE PRIVYCOUNCIL FORMED, 1833.The German Zollverein isadopted, 1833.ABOLITION OF SLAVERY THROUGHOUTBRITISH DOMINIONS, 1833.BEGINNING OF THE OXFORD MOVEMENT,1833.CARLYLE S SARTOR RESARTUS, 1833.VISCOUNT MELBOURNE PRIME MINISTER,1834.DUKE OF WELLINGTON PRIME MINISTER,1834.SIR ROBERT PEEL PRIME MINISTER,1834-35.A NEW POOR LAW ADOPTED, 1834.VISCOUNT MELBOURNE PRIME MINISTER,1835-39.COBDEN PUBLISHES PAMPHLETSCATING FREE TRADE, 1835.ADVOBROWNING S PARACELSUS, 1835.Hans Andersen s first Fairy Tales, 1835.Strauss s Life of Jesus, 1835.The Boers trek from Cape Colony toNatal, 1836.DICKENS S SKETCHES BY Boz ANDPICKWICK PAPERS, 1836.

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