Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 37CANADAEUROPE1817 Report on Grievances by a <strong>com</strong>mittee ofthe legislative assembly of Upper Canada.Robert Gourlay arrives in Upper Canada.Lord Selkirk restores the Red RiverSettlement.1818-19 The Duke of Richmond governor-in-chiefof British North America.1818 Gourlay calls a convention at York to consider the condition of the country.The legislative assembly of Upper Canadainsists on its right to initiate money bills.Dalhousie College, Halifax, founded.Convention between Great Britain andthe United States for the joint occupancy of the Oregon country.Fathers Provencher and Dunioulin establish a mission on the Red River.1819-22 Captain John Franklin explores the Arcticcoast of America.1819 Gourlay is imprisoned and banished.1820-28 Lord Dalhousie governor -in -chief ofBritish North America.1820 The Rev. John West goes as the firstAnglican missionary to the North-West.Cape Breton re-annexed to Nova Scotia.1821 Sir George Simpson governor of Rupert sLand. Absorption of the North-WestCompany by the Hudson s Bay Company.Disagreement between the legislativecouncil and the legislative assembly ofLower Canada over the Supply Bill.Disallowance o! the election of BarnabasBidwell to the assembly of Upper Canada.Founding of the Chartered Bank of UpperCanada.1 822 The Canada Trade Act regulating the <strong>com</strong>mercial and financial relations of Upperand Lower Canada.18<strong>23</strong> Defalcation of John Caldwell, receivergeneralof Lower Canada.1824 The Lachine Canal <strong>com</strong>pleted.Marshall S. Bidwell enters the assemblyof Upper Canada.The first Methodist Conference in Canada.John Gait proposes the formation of theCanada Company.lJohn M Loughlin arrives on the Pacificcoast to take charge of the fur tradefor the Hudson s Bay Company,1825 The Reformers obtain control of theassembly in Upper Canada.Great Miramichi fire in New Brunswick.THE ALLIES INVADE FRANCE, OCCUPYPARIS, AND COMPEL NAPOLEON TOABDICATE, 1814.WELLINGTON WINS THE BATTLE OFTOULOUSE, 1814.Napoleon is given the Principality ofElba, 1814.Louis XVIII is restored to the throne ofFrance, 1814.Congress at Vienna meets to settle theaii airs of Europe, 1814.The Pope restores the Order of theJesuits, 1814.WALTER SCOTT S WAVERLEY, 1814.Napoleon escapes from Elba end recovers France. He is defeated atWaterloo. He abdicates and is removed to St Helena. 1815.Political reorganization of Europe. TheGerman Confederation is formed underthe Presidency of Austria. Poland isunited with Russia but is to have anational government and its ownlanguage and institutions. 1815,The Holy Alliance of Russia, Austriaand Prussia, 1815.Weimar receives a constitution and be<strong>com</strong>es the centre of the liberal movement in Germany, 1810.COLERIDGE S CHRISTABEL, 1816.SCOTT S OLD MORTALITY, 1816.SUSPENSION OF THE HABEAS CORPUS INENGLAND, 1817.UNION OF THE BRITISH AND IRISH EXCHEQUERS, 1817.HAZLITT S CHARACTERS OF SHAKESPEARE S PLAYS, 1817.MOORE S &amp;lt;LALLA ROOKH, 1817.BLACKWOOD S MAGAZINE FOUNDEDUNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF CHRISTOPHER NORTH, 1817.RICARDO S POLITICAL ECONOMY ANDTAXATION, 1817.SHELLEY S REVOLT OF ISLAM, 1818.BYRON S &amp;lt;DoN JUAN, 1819.SHELLEY S PROMETHEUS UNBOUND,1820.GEORGE IV KING OF GREAT BRITAINAND IRELAND, 1820-30.TRIAL OF QUEEN CAROLINE, 1820.Liberal movements in Spain, Portugaland Naples, 1820.Metternich convenes a council at Troppau(transferred to Laybach) which authorizes Austrian intervention in Naples,1820.KEATS S EVE OF ST AGNES, 1820.DE QUINCEY S CONFESSIONS OF ANOPIUM EATER, 1821.

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