Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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306 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1814 The Americans capture Fort Erie and defeat the British at Chippawa, but aredefeated at Luudy s Lane.The British capture Prairie du Chien onthe upper Mississippi and defeat anAmerican attack on Michiliinackinac.The British defeat the Americans at the4Bladensburg Races, capture Washington and burn the Capitol.The Americans defeat a British attackon Fort Erie.The British occupy Machias and thenorthern part of the coast of Maine.The British fleet defeated in an attack onPlattsburg and Prevost abandons theattack by land.Treaty of Ghent between Great Britainand the United States.Attempted impeachment of Chief JusticeSewell of Lower Canada and of ChiefJustice Monk of the District of Montreal.Miles Macdonell as governor of Assiniboiaimposes an embargo on provisions.1815 British defeated in an attack on NewOrleans. (Battle fought before thearrival of the news of the Treaty ofGhent.)Louis Joseph Papineau be<strong>com</strong>es speakerof the legislative assembly of LowerCanada.The North-West Company take MilesMacdonell prisoner and destroy the RedRiver Settlement.Colin Robertson and Robert Semple restore the Red River Settlement at FortDouglas.1816-18 Sir John Coape Sherbrooke governor-inchiefof British Uorth America.1816 Governor Semple, learning of the hostileintentions of the North-West Company,seizes their post on the Red River, FortGibraltar.Governor Semple and his followers killedat Seven Oaks by the Metis incited bythe North-West Company.The Red River Settlement destroyed andthe settlers removed to Upper Canada.Lord Selkirk seizes Fort William andarrests partners in the North-WestCompany.1817 The Frontenac, the first steamboat onLake Ontario, makes its initial trip onLake Ontario.Founding of the Bank of Montreal.Insurrection in Spain and Portugal.Wellesley sent to Portugal and Mooreto Spain, 1808.Napoleon abolishes the Inquisition, 1808.Goethe s Faust, Part I, 1808.DALTON DEVELOPS THE ATOMIC THEORY,1808.SPENCER PERCEVAL PRIME MINISTER OFTHE UNITED KINGDOM, 1809-11.COALITION BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND AUSTRIA, 1809.Napoleon divorces the Empress Josephine, 1809.Napoleon annexes the Papal State. ThePope ex<strong>com</strong>municates Napoleon andis imprisoned, 1809.BYRON S ENGLISH BARDS AND SCOTCHREVIEWERS, 1809.Chateaubriand s Les Martyrs, 1809.The French overrun Spain and Portugal.Wellington retires to the lines ofTorres Vedras, 1810.Wilhelm von Humboldt begins a reformof Prussian education, 1810.THE PRINCE OF WALES BECOMES REGENTAND CONTINUES TILL THE KING SDEATH, 1811.WELLINGTON WINS THE BATTLE OFFUENTES DE ONORO, 1811.LUDDITE RIOTS AGAINST THE USE OFMACHINERY, 1811.JANE AUSTEN S SENSE AND SENSIBILITY,1811.COLERIDGE S LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE, 1811.EARL OF LIVERPOOL PRIME MINISTER OFTHE UNITED KINGDOM, 1812-27.COALITION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM,SWEDEN AND RUSSIA AGAINSTFRANCE, 1812.Napoleon invades Russia, winning thebattles of Smolensk and Borodino, andenters Moscow, 1812.Moscow burned by the Russians. Napoleon retreats, losing his army, 1812.WELLINGTON WINS THE BATTLE OFSALAMANCA AND ENTERS MADRID.HE IS LATER FORCED TO RETREAT TOPORTUGAL. 1812.BYRON S CHILDE HAROLD, 1812.Grimm s Fairy Tales, 1812.Prussia, and later Austria and Bavaria,join the coalition against Napoleon,1813.Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig, 1813.ABOLITION OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANY S MONOPOLT OF TRADE WITHINDIA, 1813.

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