Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 35CANADAEUROPE1810 Pierre Bedard imprisoned for seditiouspublications.An uprising in Venezuela begins theSpanish-American Revolutions.1811-12 Sir George Prevost administrator ofLower Canada.1811-12 Isaac Brock president and administratorof Upper Canada.1811 The Pacific Fur Company founds Astoriaon the Columbia River.The Hudson s Bay Company grants LordSelkirk 116,000 square miles in Rupert sLand.Miles Macdonell arrives at York Factorywith the first detachment of LordSelkirk s Red River settlers.The Americans defeat the Indians atTippecanoe.1812-15 Sir George Prevost governor-in-chief ofBritish North America.1812 War declared byGreat Britain.the United States onMichilimackinac captured from theAmericans.Brock <strong>com</strong>pels Hull and the Americanarmy to surrender at Detroit.Miles Macdonell founds the Red RiverSettlement.Battle of Queenston Heights. Death ofBrock.1813 Procter defeats the Americans at Frenchtown.The Americans capture York and FortGeorge.Colonel Harvey defeats the Americans atStoney Creek.Colonel FitzGibbon, warned by LauraSecord, captures an American detachment at Beaver Dams.Commodore Perry destroys the Britishfleet on Lake Erie.Procter defeated by the Americans atMoravian Town. Tecumseh killed.De Salaberry defeats the Americans atChateauguay.Colonel Morrison defeats the Americans atChrystler s Farm.Astoria sold to the North-West Companyand renamed Fort George.1814 The Americans defeated in an attack onLa Colle.The British capture the forts at Oswego.Napoleon be<strong>com</strong>es consul for life, 1802.The Legion of Honour instituted inFrance, 1802.FOUNDING OF THK EDINBURGH REVIEW,1802.WAR RENEWED BETWEEN THE UNITEDKINGDOM AND FRANCE, 1803.THE ROBERT EMMET INSURRECTION INDUBLIN, 1803.WILLIAM PITT PRIME MINISTER, 1804-6.Napoleon assumes the title of Emperorof the French, 1804.Napoleon issues the Code Napoleon, 1804.Spain declares war on the United Kingdom, 1804.FOUNDING OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGNBIBLE SOCIETY, 1804.THE THIRD COALITION AGAINST FRANCECOMPOSED OF THE UNITED KINGDOM,AUSTRIA, RUSSIA AND SWEDEN, 1805.Napoleon King of Italy, 1805.BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR AND DEATH OFNELSON, 1805.Napoleon captures Ulm and defeats theAustrians and Russians at Austerlitz,1805.SCOTT S LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL,1805.LORD GRENVILLE PRIME MINISTER(THE MINISTRY OF ALL THE TALENTS),1806-7.Francis of Austria abandons the title ofHoly Roman Emperor, 1G06.Napoleon forms the Confederation of theRhine, 1806.Prussia declares war on France and formsa coalition with the United Kingdom,Russia and Saxony, 1806.Napoleon defeats the Prussians at Jenaand Auerstadt and occupies Berlin,1806.The Berlin Decrees close Continentalports to British goods, 1806.THE BRITISH AGAIN SEIZE THE CAPE OFGOOD HOPE, 1806.DUKE or PORTLAND PRIME MINISTER,1807-9.Peace of Tilsit between Napoleon andAlexander of Russia, 1807.THE BRITISH ORDERS-IN-COUNCIL FORBIDDING COMMERCE WITH FRANCE ANDHER ALLIES, 1807.THE BRITISH BOMBARD COPENHAGEN ANDSEIZE THE DANISH FLEET, 1807.Napoleon issues the Milan Decree, 1807.THE SLAVE TRADE FORBIDDEN IN BRITISHDOMINIONS, 1807.MOORE S IRISH MELODIES, 1807.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>Iu

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