Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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34 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1796-9917961797-1807179817991799-1800180018031804180518061807-1118071807-1118081809Peter Russell administrator of UpperCanada.Administration of Indian affairs in UpperCanada placed under the control of thelieutenant-governor.Robert Prescott governor-in-chief ofBritish North America.David Thompson explores the sources ofthe Mississippi.The Island of St John renamed PrinceEdward Island.David Thompson explores the Saskatchewan country.France obtains Louisiana from Spain.Lord Selkirk s settlers arrive in PrinceEdward Island.The United States purchases Louisianafrom France.Lewis and Clark begin their expeditionacross the continent.The Lewis and Clark expedition arrivesat the mouth of the Columbia River.Founding ofLe Camdien.Sir James Henry Craig governor-in-chiefof British North America.Justice Thorpe is elected to the assemblyof Upper Canada and leads the oppositionto the administration.Action between the British ship Leopard and the American Chesapeake.&quot;Simon Eraser explores the Fraser River.David Thompson explores the ColumbiaRiver and the neighbouring territory.Joseph Willcocks, leader of the oppositionin Upper Canada, imprisoned for contempt of the House of Assembly.The United States forbids foreign slavetrade.Craig dissolves the assembly of LowerCanada on account of a quarrel with theFrench-Canadian majority.The United States decrees non-intercoursewith France and the United Kingdom.The Ac<strong>com</strong>modation, the first Canadiansteamboat, makes its initial trip.Alexander Henry s Travels and Adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories.The French attempt an invasion ofIreland, 1796.Buonaparte invades Northern Italy anddefeats the Austrians, 1796.Spain joins France against Britain, 1796.THE BRITISH SEIZE CEYLON, 1796.JENNER USES VACCINATION AGAINSTSMALLPOX, 1796.BURKE s LETTERS ON A REGICIDEPEACE, 1796.Laplace s Exposition du Systeme duMonde, 1796.THE BRITISH DEFEAT THE SPANISH FLEETAT CAPE ST VINCENT AND THE DUTCHAT CAMPERDOWN, 1797.Buonaparte invades Austria, 1797.Buonaparte conquers the Venetian Republic, 1797.Peace between France and Austria, 1797.INSURRECTION IN IRELAND, 1798.Buonaparte invades Egypt, 1798.NELSON DESTROYS THE FRENCH FLEETIN ABOUKIR BAY, 1798.The French seize Rome, remove the Popeand proclaim a Republic, 1798.The French invade Switzerland, 1798.THE LYRICAL BALLADS OF WORDSWORTH AND COLERIDGE, 1798.MALTHUS S EssAY ON POPULATION, 1798.PITT FORMS THE SECOND COALITIONAGAINST FRANCE, 1799.The Russians and Austrians underSuvorof, assisted by Nelson, expel theFrench from Italy, 1799.Buonaparte fails to capture Acre andreturns to France, 1799.Buonaparte overthrows the Directoryand be<strong>com</strong>es first consul, 1799.Schiller s Wallenstein, 1799.THE ACT OF UNION BETWEEN GREATBRITAIN AND IRELAND, 1800.Buonaparte invades Italy and defeatsthe Austrians at Marengo, 1800.Mareau invades Germany and wina thebattle of Hohenlinden, 1800.Madame de Stael s De la Litterature,1800.PITT RESIGNS, 1801.HENRY ADDINGTON PRIME MINISTER,1801-4.NELSON BOMBARDS COPENHAGEN, 1801.ABERCROMBY EXPELS THE FRENCH FROMEGYPT, 1801.Peace of Luneville between France andAustria, 1801.The Concordat between France and thePapacy, 1801.Chateaubriand s Atala, 1801.PEACE OF AMIENS BETWEEN THE UNITEDKINGDOM AND FRANCE, 1802.

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