Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 303CANADAEUROPE1788 Bishop Inglis founds King s College atWindsor, Nova Scotia.Captain John Meares attempts to establisha trading-post at Nootka Sound.An American expedition under Gray andKendrick visits Nootka Sound.Sailing packet service established betweenGreat Britain and Halifax.1790 By the Nootka Sound Convention Spainabandons her exclusive claims to thatregion.1791 The Constitutional Act. The Province ofQuebec divided into the Provinces ofUpper and Lower Canada.1791-96 Lord Dorchester governor-in-chief ofBritish North America.1792 The legislatures of Upper and LowerCanada meet for the first time.1792-93 George Vancouver explores the northwest coast of America.1792-99 John Graves Simcoe lieutenant-governorof Upper Canada.1792 Captain Gray, an American, discovers theColumbia River.1793 Consecration of Jacob Mountain, firstAnglican bishop of Canada.First publication of the Upper CanadaGazette.Alexander Mackenzie crosses the RockyMountains and reaches the PacificOcean.1794 Jay s Treaty between Great Britain andthe United States. The British abandon the western posts within theUnited States.Colonial administration placed under theSecretary for War (later known asSecretary for War and the Colonies).The Lower Canada Judicature Act reorganizes the law-courts of LowerCanada.Simcoe founds York (Toronto).1795 Possession of Nootka Sound surrenderedto the British by the Spaniard!.IMPEACHMENT OF WARREN HASTINGS,1788.Necker recalled to the control of theFinances in France, 1788.CONVICTS LANDED IN AUSTRALIA, 1788.THH LONDON TIMES FOUNDED, 1788.1789 War between the United States and the Meeting of the States-General. BeginIndiana of the Ohio valley and the ning of the French Revolution. 1789.country to the north-west.Destruction of the Bastille, 1789.The Spaniards under Martinez occupyNootka Sound and seize British tradingvessels.BURKE S REFLECTIONS ON THE FRENCHREVOLUTION, 1790.The new French Constitution established, 1791.FOUNDATION OF THE SOCIETY OF UNITEDIRISHMEN, 1791.BOSWELL S LIFE OF JOHNSON, 1791.TOM PAINE S RIGHTS OF MAN, 1791.France declared a Republic, 1792.Catherine of Russia invades Poland andabolishes the New Constitution, 1792.MARY WOLLSTONE CRAFT S RIGHTS OFWOMAN, 1792.Execution of Louis XVI, 1793.France declares war on Great Britainand Holland, 1793.The Reign of Terror, 1793.The Christian religion declared abolishedin France, 1793.The French are at first defeated ;butlater drive back the British, Austriansand Prussians, 1793.The second partition of Poland, 1793.GODWIN S POLITICAL JUSTICE, 1793.ELI WHITNEY S COTTON GIN, 1793.SUSPENSION OF HABEAS CORPUS, 1794.Execution of Danton and other revolutionary leaders, and finally of Robespierre and his chief followers, 1794.The French overrun the Netherlands andinvcde Holland, 1794.LORD HOWE DEFEATS THE FRENCHFLEET, 1794.TOM PAINE S AGE OF REASON, 1794.GODWIN S CALEB WILLIAMS, 1794.THE TREASON AND SEDITION ACTS, 1795.The Directory established in France,1795.THE BRITISH SEIZE THE CAPE OF GOODHOPE, 1795.MUNGO PARK BEGINS EXPLORATIONS INAFRICA, 1795.Goethe s Wilhelm Meister, 1795.Final partition of Poland, 1795.

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