Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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302 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1778 Butler s Rangers attack the westernfrontiers of New York.George Rogers Clark captures Kaskaskiain the Illinois country.Loyalist refugees begin to arrive in Canada.1778-79 Peter Pond explores the Athabaskacountry.1778 Captain Cook in Nootka Sound.1779 Clark <strong>com</strong>pels Hamilton to surrender atVincennes.Clinton and Cornwallia capture Charleston and begin a campaign in theSouth.Captain Cook killed in the SandwichIslands.1780 Arnold attempts to surrender West Pointto the British. Execution of Andre.1781 Cornwallis marches into Virginia.Washington and Rochambeau <strong>com</strong>pelCornwallis to surrender at Yorktown.1782-86 John Parr governor-in-chief of NovaScotia.1782 Rodney wins a naval victoryQrasse in the West Indies.over DeLoyalist settlement begins in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.1783 The Independence of the United States ofAmerica is recognized by Great Britain.Organization of the North-West Fur Company at Montreal.Repeal of the more severe penal lawsagainst Catholics in Nova Scotia.1784 Creation of the Provinces of New Brunswick and Cape Breton.1784-86 Thomas CarletonNew Brunswick.governor-in-chief of1784 Loyalists and disbanded soldiers settle inUpper Canada.1785 St John, N.B., incorporated.Captain James Hannah begins the Britishfur trade at Nootka Sound.1786-91 Lord Dorchester governor-in-chief of theBritish Dominions in North America.1786-91 John Parr lieutenant-governor of NovaScotia.1786-1817 Thomas Carleton lieutenant-governor ofNew Brunswick.1786 First meeting of the legislature of NewBrunswick.1786-1804 Edmund Fanning lieutenant-governor ofthe Island of St John.1787 Charles Inglis consecrated Anglican Bishopof Nova Scotia.Adam Lymburner sent to England by themerchants of Canada to obtain politicaland <strong>com</strong>mercial reforms.The Constitution of the United States.The Volunteers in Ireland, 1779.Spain declares war on Great Britain andbesieges Gibraltar, 1779.Free Trade in Ireland, 1780.WAR BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN ANDHOLLAND, 1780.Under the leadership of Catherine ofRussia the nations of Northern Europeform the League of Armed Neutrality,1780.RODNEY RELIEVES GIBRALTAR, 1780.BENTHAM S PRINCIPLES OF MORALS ANDLEGISLATION, 1780.Necker is dismissed from office andfeudal reaction sets in in France, 1781.Kant s Critique of Pure Reason, 1781.MARQUIS OF ROCKINGHAM PRIME MINISTER, 1782.EARL OF SHELBTTRNE PRIME MINISTER,1782-83.GRATTAN S IRISH CONSTITUTION, 1782.Spain captures Minorca, 1782.DUKE OF PORTLAND PRIME MINISTER,1783.WILLIAM PITT PRIME MINISTER, 1783-1801.TREATIES OF PARIS AND VERSAILLES, 1783.Russia annexes the Crimea, 1783.PITT S INDIA BILL, 1784.The Affair of the Diamond Necklacebrings discredit on the French court,1785.COWPER S &amp;lt;THE TASK, 1785.Schiller s Don Carlos, 1785.Baron Munchausen s Marvellous Travelsand Campaigns in Russia, 1785.CARTWRIGHT S POWER-LOOM, 1785.PlTT CREATES A SINKING FUND FOR THEPAYMENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT,1786.POEMS OF ROBERT BURNS (KilmarnockEdition), 1786.

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