Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESBelcourt, Georges Antoine (1803-74). RomanCatholic missionary to Indians, 11 126 ;missions founded by, 127, 129, 130 ; experimental school established by, 20 419 ;hisintervention saves a Hudson s Bay Companyclerk, 11 127 ; settles at Pembina, 135 ; supports Red River petition of 1845, 135 ; rehis grammar of thestrains the Metis, 19 55 ;Chippewa language, 20 419.Beletre, Francois Marie Picote, Sieur de.French <strong>com</strong>mander at Detroit, 3 57.Belgium. Commercial treaty of 1862 hampersinter-imperial trade preference, 9 173 ; treatydenounced, 207 ; given Canadian intermediate rates, <strong>23</strong>8 ; immigration from, 7 563.Bell, Andrew (1753-1832), founder of Madrassystem of education. System introducedinto Canada, 18 282. See Madras Schools.Bell, John. Constructs Fort M c Pherson, 5306 his ; journeys of 1842 and 1846, 5 306,22 605.Bell, John (d. 1849). Exhibits at Cobourgagricultural show (1848), 18 563.Bell, J. M. (b. 1877). His mineral discovery onGreat Bear Lake, 22 656.Bell, Patrick (1799-1869). Invents a reapingmachine,18 564-5 ;his connection withCanada, 556.Bell, Robert (b. 1841). Dominion governmentscientist, 12 520 ;his mineral discovery onGreat Slave Lake, 22 656.Bell, William (1780-1857). Presbyterian minister at Perth (1811), 11 266.Bell River. See Rat River.Bell-Smith, Frederick Marlett (b. 1846).Canadian artist, 12 621.Bella Coola River. Mackenzie s journeys onthe, 4 655-7.Belleau, Sir Narcisse Fortunat (1808-94).Lieutenant-governor of Quebec (1867-73), 15171.Belle lie, Daniel de Gotteville de. Commandsexpedition to Island of St John, 13 313.Belleisle, Alexandre le Borgne, Sieur de (1708-44). His attack on Annapolis Royal (1744),13 80.XBelle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet,Marshal de (1684-1761). Instructs Montcalmto keep some foothold in America,1 277.Belleville. Representative municipal government introduced in, 18 424 ; incorporated(1834), 424.Belleville. 1 Lake Ontario( )steamboat, 10 499.(2) Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Companys steamer, 10 539, 552.Bellot Strait, in American Arctic Sea, betweenBoothia Felix and Somerset Island. Discovered by Captain Kennedy, 5 303 ;namedafter a French naval officer, 303 n.Belvidera. Attacked by an American squadron(1812), 13 256.Benedictines. Settle on Vancouver Island, 11184.Ben Franklin. Michigan Central Railwaysteamboat, 10 545.Bengough, John Wilson (b. 1851). Canadiancartoonist, 12 631.Bennet, John. Superintendent of Education,New Brunswick, 14 552.Bennet, Joseph. Anglican clergyman in NovaScotia, 11 205.Bennett, Richard Bedford (6. 1870). And provincial autonomy, 19 259 leads ; oppositionin Alberta assembly, 275 ; and a railwayscandal, 276.Benson, Egbert. Member of St Croix RiverCommission, 8 758, 760, 764-5.Bentinck. Lord William Cavendish (1774-1839).Governor-general of India, 5 37.Benton, Congregational minister. His persecution and imprisonment (1801), 11 381.Benton, Thomas Hart (*782-l858), Americansenator. Attacks Webster on Maine boundary settlement, 8818; on Red Line map,820 ;and Oregon boundary deadlock, 864 ;ridicules the Fifty - four - Forties, 866and n.Berchereau, Francois Chauvigny de. SeeChauvigny de Berchereau.Berczy, William (c. 1749-1813). Markhamhis colonizationtownship granted to, 17 50 ;work, 50-1.Berczy, WJliam von Moll (b. 1748). Painter inMontreal, Ik, 602.Berey, Claude Charles Felix de (1720-1800),last superior of the Recollets. Death of, 1121, 16 408.Bering, Vitus (1680-1741), Danish navigator.His expeditions to the North Pacific, 8 727,846, 21 39-41.Bering Island, in North Pacific, the mostwesterly of Aleutian Islands. Death ofVitus Bering at, 21 40.Bering Sea Dispute. Special Article : SealFisheries Arbitration, 8 7<strong>23</strong>-48. Cession ofAlaska to United States (1867), 7<strong>23</strong>; leaseof Pribyloff group, 7<strong>23</strong> ; diminution of sealherd, 7<strong>23</strong> ;seizures of Canadian sealers,7<strong>23</strong>-4 ;reference to arbitration, 724-5 ; <strong>com</strong>position of tribunal, 725-6 first four ; questions submitted, and arguments of parties,726, 729-33 ; shifting of base of Americancontentions, 734 ; right of protection orproperty in seals and arguments thereon,735-44 ; sittings of tribunal, 744 ; awards,6 121, 8 744-5 ; regulations agreed byarbitrators, 746-7 ; <strong>com</strong>pensation paid forillegal seizures, 6 121, 8 747&amp;gt;prohibition ofpelagic sealing and <strong>com</strong>pensation paid toCanada, 747-8; 9 159, 160, 219.Bering Strait, channel connecting Arctic withPacific Ocean. Named by Captain Cook, 2128.Berkeley Springs. Outline of Reciprocitytreaty arranged at (1853), 5 241.Berlin Decrees (1806), 3 194, 196.Bermond, Father. Missionary in the West, 11134.Bernard, Alexis Xyste (b. 1847). RomanCatholic bishop of St Hyacinthe, 11 91.Bernard, J., actor. Played in (1829),Montreal12 655.Bernard, John (1714-79), governor of Massachusetts Bay. Obtains grants of land, 8756.

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