Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 301CANADAEUROPE1773 The British inhabitants of the Province ofQuebec petition the king for the establishment of an assembly.Boston Tea Party.Meeting of the first legislature in theIsland of St John.1774 The Quebec Act.The Quebec Revenue Act.Meeting of the first Continental Congressat Philadelphia.Louis XVI King of France, 1774-93.1775 Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. Turgot begins economical reforms inBeginning of the American Revolu France, 1775.tionary VVar.Meeting of the Second Continental Congress at Philadelphia.The Americans capture Ticonderoga andCrown Point.George Washington chosen <strong>com</strong>manderin-ohiefof the American army.Battle of Bunker Hill.Montgomery and Arnold invade Canada.Capture of St Johns and Montreal.The Americans defeated at Quebec, andMontgomery killed.1775-76 Explorations of Alexander Henry theElder in the North-West.1776 A Spanish expedition under Heceta,Quadra, Perez and Maurelle exploresthe north-west coast of America.1776-78 Mariot Arbuthnot lieutenant-governor AGITATION BEGINS IN GREAT BBITAINof Nova Scotia.FOB PARLIAMENTARY REFORM, 1776.1776 Tom Paine s Common Sense.Necker be<strong>com</strong>es controller-general inHowe evacuates Boston and sails to France and the reforms of Turgot areHalifax.abandoned, 1776.Carleton expels the Americans from THE FIRST VOLUME OF GlBBON s DECanada.CLINE AND FALL OF THB ROMANDeclaration of Independence of the EMPIRE, 1776.United States of America.ADAM SMITH S WEALTH OF NATIONS,General Howe occupies New York.1776.American privateers capture Charlottetownand seize the government of theIsland of St John (P.E.I.).1777 General Burgoyne invades New York from HOWARD S STATB or THB PRISONS, 1777Canada, captures Ticonderoga, but is SHERIDAN Sdefeated and <strong>com</strong>pelled to surrender atSCHOOL FOR SCANDAL, 1777Saratoga.General Howe captures Philadelphia, defeating Washington at Brandywine andGermantown.Part of the Six Nation Indians enter thewar on the British side.1778 Alliance between France and the UnitedStates.Lord North s proposals for conciliationwith America are rejected by Congress.DEATH OF CHATHAM, 1778.1778-86 Frederick Haldimand governor-in-chiefof Quebec. (In actual charge of theadministration 1778-84.)The Pope suppresses the Society of Jesus,1773.

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