Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840 299CANADAEUROPE1760-63 James Murray military governor ofCanada.1760 Detroit occupied by the British.Destruction o! French ships in ChaleurBay.1760-63 Jonathan Belcher lieutenant-governor ofNova Scotia.1762 Louisiana ceded to Spain.1763 Conspiracy of Pontiac, capture of Britishforts in the West, and siege of Detroit.Henry Bouquet defeats the Indians atBushy Run.Postal system established in Canada.Post offices opened at Montreal, ThreeRivers, and Quebec. Courier serviceopened with New York.Ferdinand of Brunswick defeats theFrench J.t Minden, 1759.BOSCAWEN DEFEATS ONE FRENCH FLEETAT LAGOS, AND HAWKE ANOTHER ATQUIBERON, 1759.The Jesuits are expelled from Portugal,1759.GEORGE III KING OF GREAT BRITAIN,1760-1820.Russians and Austrians occupy Berlin,1760.Rousseau s La Nouvelle Helolse, 1760.Family Compact between France andSpain, 1761.PlTT IS DISMISSED FROM OFFICE, 1761.EARL OF BUTE PRIME MINISTER, 1762-63.GREAT BRITAIN DECLARES WAR ONSPAIN, 1762.MANILLA CAPTURED BY THE BRITISH, 1762.Russia withdraws from the allianceagainst Frederick the Great, 1762.Attack on the Jesuits in France, 1762.Rousseau s Emile, 1762.GEORGE GRENVILLE PRIME MINISTER,1763-65.The Peace of Paris signed by France,Spain, Britain and Portugal, 1763.Trial of Bigot and his associates inFrance, 1763.PERIOD II. BRITISH COLONIAL, 1760-1840CANADAEUROPE1763 Proclamation creating the Provinces ofQuebec, East Florida, West Florida, andGrenada, adding the Islands of St John[P.E.I.] and Cape Breton to Nova Scotia,and restricting the American coloniesto the east of the Alleghanies.1763 In the Parson s Case in Virginia, PatrickHenry declares that the king has be<strong>com</strong>ea tyrant.Provision made for stricter enforcementof the Navigation Laws in America.1764 Civil courts established in Canada.Presentment of the Grand Jury at Quebecstates the objections of the British inhabitants to the administration.Assault on Thomas Walker, a magistratein Montreal.1764-66 Montague Wilmot governor-in-chief ofNova Scotia.1764-68 James Murray captain -general andgovernor-in-chief of Quebec.WlLKES EXPELLED BY THE HOUSE OFCOMMONS, 1764.France suppresses the Jesuit Order, 1764.GOLDSMITH S TRAVELLER, 1764.Voltaire s Dictionnaire Philosophique,1764.

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