Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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298 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1754-55 Anthony Hendry leads an expedition fromYork Factory to the upper waters of theSaskatchewan.1754 The French expel the British from theForks of the Ohio and build FortDuquesne.Washington surrenders Fort Necessity.1754-58 Augustin de Drucour governor of HeRoyale.1756-60 Pierre Francois de Rigaud, Marquis deVaudreuil-Cavagnal, governor of NewFrance.1765 Braddock defeated by Contrecceur nearDuquesne.Expedition under Shirley against Niagarafails.First post office in Canada opened atHalifax.Johnson defeats and captures Dieskauat Lake George.Johnson builds Fort William Henry atLake George.Vergor surrenders Fort Beausfcjour toMonckton.Deportation of the Acadians.The French begin to fortify Ticonderoga.1756 Montcalm sent to Canada.Montcalm captures Oswego.1756-61 Charles Lawrence governor of Nova Scotia.1757 Montcalm captures Fort William Henry.Massacre of part of the garrison.1758 Montcalm defeats Abercromby at Ticonderoga.Amherst and Boscawen capture Louisbourg.Bradstreet captures Fort Frontenac.Forbes captures Fort Duquesne, renamedFort Pitt.Wolfe destroys the French settlementsin Gaspe.The first legislative assembly of NovaScotia meets at Halifax.1759 Sir William Johnson captures FortNiagara.Amherst <strong>com</strong>pels the French to abandonTiconderoga and Crown Point.Siege of Quebec. Battle of the Plains ofAbraham. Death of Wolfe and Montcalm. Surrender of Quebec to theBritish.Rogers raids the Indian village of StFrancis.1760 L6vis defeats Murray at the battle of StaFoy (the second siege of Quebec).Vaudreuil surrenders Montreal and Canadato Amherst.GRAY S ELEGY, 1751.THE GREGORIAN CALENDAR ADOPTED INGREAT BRITAIN, 1752.Voltaire s Siecle de Louia XIV, 1762.Conflict between the king and the parlementof Paris, 1753.THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE PRIME MINISTER, 1754-56.Voltaire s Essai sur lea Mceurs, 1754.JOHNSON S DICTIONARY, 1755.HAWKE ORDERED TO SEIZE FRENCH SHIPPING, 1755.ALLIANCE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN ANDPRUSSIA BY TREATY OF WESTMINSTER,1756.Alliance between France and Austria byTreaty of Versailles, 1756.Frederick the Great attacks Saxony andbegins the Seven Years War, 1766.The French take Minorca, 1756.ADMIRAL BYNG EXECUTED FOR FAILURETO RELIEVE MINORCA, 1756.THE ENGLISH POST OF CALCUTTA CAPTURED BY STJRAJAH DOWLAH. THEBLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA. 1756.4THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE PRIMEMINISTER, 1756-57.WILLIAM PITT SECRETARY OF STATE ANDIN CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT,1756-61.Alliance between Russia and Austriaagainst Prussia, 1757.DUKE OF CUMBERLAND DEFEATED BYTHE FRENCH, 1757.Frederick the Great defeats the Frenchat Rossbach and the Austrians atLeuthen, 1757CLIVE S VICTORY AT PLASSEY, 1757.Attack on the Jesuits in Portugal, 1757.DUKE OP NEWCASTLE PRIME MINISTER,1757-62.FERDINAND OF BRUNSWICK. WITH ANENGLISH ARMY DRIVES THB FRENCHOUT OF HANOVER, 1758.

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