Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760 297CANADAEUROPEWAR BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN ANDPopulation of 55,000.1741 The Russians under Bering begin the fur1754 pedic, 1751.trade in Alaska.SPAIN, 1739.1742-43 Pierre and Francois de la Verendrye ex JOHN WESLEY BEGINS PREACHING IN THEplore the country west of the Mandan OPEN AIR, 1739.villages and sight the Rocky Mountains. Maria Theresa Queen of Hungary, 1740-80.1744 The French under Du Her succession to her father sVivier destroy thedominions isBritish fishing station at Canso.opposed by Saxony,Bavaria andDu Vivier fails in an attack on Fort Spain.Royal.Frederick the Great of Prussia, 1740-86.1745 Visit of the Swedish savant Peter Kalm Frederick the Great seizes Silesia fromto Canada.Austria, 1740.New England troops under Pepperrell and ANSON S VOYAGES, 1740-45.a fleet under Warren capture Louisbourg.Alliance of France, Prussia, Bavaria andSaxony1746 Expedition under the Due d Anville for1741.HUME S ESSAYS, 1741.the recovery of Louisbourg fails becauseof storms andMaria Theresa defeats the French andpestilence.Bavarians and makesWilliam Johnson <strong>com</strong>missioner to thepeace withPrussia, 1742.Six Nation Indians.WALPOLE RESIGNS, 1742.1747-49 Rolland Michel Barrin, Comte de laGalissoniere, administrator of NewGEORGE II DEFEATS THE FRENCH ATDETTINGEN, 1743.France.Death of Cardinal Fleury, 1743.1748 Louisbourg restored to the French.A new Family Compact arranged beThe Abbe Picquet founds La Presentation, tween France andnow Spain for war againstOgdensburg.Great Britain, 1743.1748-60 Francois Bigot intendant of New France. Russia takes South Finland from Sweden,1749 Death of La Verendrye.1743.A French expedition under Celoron de THE WELSH METHODIST BODY FOUNDED,Blainville takes possession of the Ohio 1743.valley.Foundation of Halifax.Swedenborg begins his religious mission,1743.The Ohio Company obtains a grant of land HENRY PELHAM PRIME MINISTERin the Ohio valley.GREAT BRITAIN, 1744-54.orFort Rouille, Toronto, built.France declares war on Great Britain,1744.1749-51 Charles Desherbiers governor of lieFrederick theRoyale.Great renews the war1749-52 Jacques Pierre de Taffanel, Marquis de against Maria Theresa, 1744.la Jonquiere, governor of New France. FIRST METHODIST CONFERENCE, 1744.Edward Corawallis governor of Nova Marshal Saxe defeats the British andScotia.their allies at Fontenoy, 1745.1750 Jacques Repentigny Legardeur de Saint- CHARLES EDWARD RAISES AN INSURRECPierre given charge of western ex TION IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS.BATTLE OFploration.PRESTONPANS. 1745,The French establish a fort at Peace between Austria and FrederickBeausejpurand the British another at Beaubassin. the Great, 1745.German emigration to Nova ScotiaMadame dobegins.Pompadour be<strong>com</strong>es supremein1751-53 Jean Louis, Comte deFrance, 1745.Raymond, governorof lieBATTLES OF FALKIRI; AND CULLODEN,Royale.1746.1752-55 Michel Ange, Marquis de Duquesne,governor of New France.The French take Madras in India, 1746.1752-66 Peregrine Thomas Hopson governor of Peace of Ai:;-la-Chapelle, 1748.1753-56Nova Scotia.Montesquieu s Esprit de Lois, 1748.Charles Lawrence lieutenant-governor of FIELDING S Ton JONES, 1749.Nova Scotia.CLIVE SEIZES AND HOLDS ARGOT IN1753 St Luc de la Corne replaces Saint-Pierre SOUTHERN INDIA, 1751.in <strong>com</strong>mand of the Posts of the Diderot, D Alembert, and their associatesWestern Sea.begin the publication of the EncycloCanada

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