Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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296 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1722 War between New England and theIndian tribes to the north.1724 Edm Nicolas Robert intendant of NewFrance. (He died on the voyage toCanada. )New Englanders destroy the Indianvillage of Norridgewock and kill themissionary Sebastien Basle.1725 Death of the Marquis de Vaudreuil.Guillaume de Chazelles intendant of NewFrance. (He was lost with the ship onwhich he sailed for Canada.)The French build two ships on LakeOntario.Ordonnances first issued by the intendantin Canada.1726-28 Claude Thomas Dupuy intendant of NewFrance.1726-47 Charles, Marquis de Beauharnois, governorof New France.1727-33 Louis Francois Duplessis de Mornaybishop of Quebec.1728 Bering discovers Bering Straits.1729 A new issue of card money authorized.1730 Governor Philipps induces the Acadiansto take an oaih of allegiance.1731-48 Gilles Hocquart intendant of New France.1731 The French build a fort at Crown Point.Government shipbuilding in Quebecauthorized.La Vrendrye begins his western explorations.1732 The colony of Georgia established.1733-39 Mgr Dosquet bishop of Quebec.1734 Post road opened between Montreal andQuebec.1736 St Maurice Forges established.La Vfirendrye builds Fort Rouge on theRed River.1738 La Verendrye builds Fort de la Reine onthe Assiniboine River. Visits the Mandanvillages on the Missouri River.Madame d Yonville founds the order ofthe Sisters of Charity of Montreal.1739-40 Francois Louis Pourroy de Lauberivierebishop Of Quebec. (He died twelvedays after his arrival in Quebec.)Isaac Louis de Forant governor of HeRoyale.1740-44 Jean Baptiste Prfcvot du Quesnel governorof He Royale.1740-49 Paul Mascarene administrator of NovaScotia.1741-60 Henri Marie Dubreuil de Pontbriandbishop of Quebec.1741 Exports from Canada exceed imports forthe only time during the French regime.Death of Charles <strong>XII</strong> of Sweden, 1718.SPANIARDS LAND IN SCOTLAND BUT AREDEFEATED, 1719.France and the Emperor defeat Spain,and force the dismissal of Alberoni, 1719.DEFOE S ROBINSON CRUSOE, 1719.Failure of Law s financial scheme inFrance, 1720.THE SOUTH SEA BUBBLE, 1720.Fahrenheit s thermometer, 1720.The First Family Compact betweenFrance and Spain, 1721.WALPOLE BECOMES THE FIRST REAL PRIMEMINISTER OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1721.Montesquieu s Lettres, 1721.ARREST OF ATTERBURY, BISHOP OFROCHESTER, 1722.Quarrel between France and Spain.Alliance between France, Prussia andGreat Britain, and between Spain andthe Emperor, 1725.Fleury be<strong>com</strong>es first minister in France,1726.VOLTAIRE IN ENGLAND, 1726.SWIFT S GULLIVER S TRAVELS, 1726.GIBRALTAR BESIEGED BY THE SPANIARDS,1727.WALPOLE INTRODUCES THE FIRST ANNUALBILL OF INDEMNITY POR NEGLECT OFTHE TEST AND CORPORATION ACTS, 1727.GEORGE II KING OF GREAT BRITAIN,1727-60.PEACE BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN ANDSPAIN, 1728.JOHN WESLEY AND HIS FRIENDS BEGINTO MEET AT OXFORD, 1729.GREAT BRITAIN GUARANTEES THE PRAGMATIC SANCTION, 1731.POPE S ESSAY ON MAN, 1733.Renewal of the Family Compact betweenFrance and Spain, 1733.WALPOLE ATTEMPTS TO REORGANIZE THECOLLECTION OF THE CUSTOMS REVENUE, 1733.France occupies Lorraine, 1733.Voltaire s Lettrea sur les anglais, 1734.Peace between France and the Emperor.France is to obtain Lorraine and recognize the Pragmatic Sanction, 1735.BUTLER S ANALOGY OF RELIGION, 1736.Wolff s Theologia Naturalis, 1736.The Corvee established throughoutFrance, 1737.WILLIAM PITT JOINS THE OPPOSITION TOWALPOLB, 1738.HOSTILITY TO SPAIN AROUSED IN ENGLAND BY THE STORY OF JENKINS sEAR, 1738.

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