Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760 295CANADAEUROPE1706-10 Daniel Auger de Subercase governor ofAcadia.1707 An expedition from New England fails tocapture Port Royal.1708 Death of Bishop Laval.French capture St John s, Newfoundland.1710-26 Michel BSgon intendant of New France.(He did not <strong>com</strong>e to Canada until 1712.)1710 Port Royal captured by the British underNicholson.1710-13 Samuel Vetch governor of Annapolis.1711 British expedition against Quebec underHovenden Walker turns back on accountof losses by shipwreck.1712 Report of Catalogne on the seigniories ofCanada.Attack on Detroit by Fox Indians.1713-15 Francis Nicholson governor of NovaScotia.1713 Hudson Bay, Newfoundland, and Acadiaconfirmed to Great Britain. The Iro-recognized as subjects of GreatqupisBritain.A French settlement established at Louisbourg.1714 Governor Knight takes possession of theHudson Bay posts for the Hudson s BayCompany.1714-17 Philippe de Costebelle governor of HeRoyale.1715-17 Samuel Vetch governor of Nova Scotia.1716 A Jesuit priest, Joseph Francois Lafitau,discovers the ginseng plant in Canada.1717-49 Richard Philipps governor of Nova Scotia.1717 The monopoly of Canadian export tradegranted to the Company of the West.Commercial exchanges authorized inQuebec and Montreal.The Illinois country annexed to Louisiana.1717-39 Joseph de St Ovide de Brouillan governorof He Royale.1718 The Hudson s Bay Company builds a forton Churchill River.Foundation of New Orleans.1718-21 Card money redeemed and abolished.1719 Governor Knight, sent by the Hudson sBay Company to discover a north-west1720passage, is lost.A fort established at Niagara.Charlevoix sent to Canada to report on aroute to the Western Sea.The Hudson s Bay Company builds HenleyHouse, 150 miles up the AlbanyRiver.1721 British project a trading-post at Oswego.Governor Philipps establishes a settlementat Canso.Charles <strong>XII</strong> captures Warsaw, 1701.THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OFTHE GOSPEL FOUNDED, 1701.ANNE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, 1702-14.Grand Alliance declares war on France,1702.Founding of St Petersburg, 1703.BATTLE OF BLENHEIM, 1704.CAPTURE OF GIBRALTAR, 1704.HALLEY CALCULATES THE RETURN OF THECOMET NAMED AFTER HIM, 1705.BATTLE OF RAMILLIES, 1706.THE EARL OF GALWAY OCCUPIES MADRIDAND PROCLAIMS THE ARCHDUKECHARLES KING OF SPAIN, 1706.UNION BETWEEN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND, 1707.BATTLE OF OUDENARDE, 1708.CAPTURE OF LILLE, 1708.Battle of Malplaquet, 1709.Destruction of Port Royal des Champ,1709.A TORY MINISTRY IN ENGLAND, 1710.The French defeat the English andAustrians in Spain, 1710.The Archduke Charles elected Emperor,recalls his troops from the war againstFrance, 1711.SOUTH SEA COMPANY FORMED, 1711.THE SPECTATOR EDITED BY STEELEAND ADDISON, 1711.POPE S ESSAY ON CRITICISM, 1711.The Dutch withdraw from the waragainst France, 1712.POPE S RAPE OF THE LOCK, 1712.Treaty of Utrecht, 1713.THE WHIG LEADERS SEIZE THE GOVERNMENT, 1714.GEORGE I KING OF ENGLAND, 1714-27.Louis XV King of France, 1715-74.Duke of Orleans appointed regent ofFrance, 1715.IMPEACHMENT OF THE TORY MINISTERSIN ENGLAND, 1715.JACOBITE RISING IN SCOTLAND AND THENORTH OF ENGLAND, 1715.Treaty of Hanover provides for mutualsupport between the Duke of Orleansand the House of Hanover, 1716.THE SEPTENNIAL ACT, 1716.Law be<strong>com</strong>es French minister of Financeand organizes the Company of theWest or Mississippi Company, 1717.Spanish invasion of Sicily, 1718.WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND SPAIN.SPANISH EXPEDITION PLANNED TO AIDTHE PRETENDER, 1718.

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