Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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294 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1691 Fort Nelson on Hudson Bay burnt to avoidcapture by the French.1692 The Hudson s Bay Company rebuild FortNelson and recapture Fort Albany.Marie Magdelaine de Vercheres defendsthe fort of Vercheres against the Iroquois.1693 The French destroy the villages of theMohawks.1694 Fort Frontenac rebuilt.Iberville again captures Fort Nelson onHudson Bay.Antoine de la Mptte Cadillac sent to <strong>com</strong>mand at Michilimackiuac.1696 Fort Nelson recaptured by the Hudson sBay Company.Frontenac invades the Iroquois country.Iberville destroys the British fort atPemaquid.Iberville destroys St John s and otherEnglish settlements in Newfoundland.1697 Iberville defeats the English fleet inHudson Bay and captures Fort Nelson.1698 Death of Frontenac.Expedition of Montigny and La Corne tothe Mississippi Valley.1698-99 Iberville s first expedition to the Gulf ofMexico and Mississippi River. Founding of Fort Maurepas.1699-1703 Louis Hector de Callieres governor ofNew France.1699-1700 Iberville s second expedition to the mouthof the Mississippi.1701 Peace between the French and the Iroquois.1701-5 Jacques Francois de Brouillan governoro! Acadia.1701 La Motte Cadillac builds a fort at Detroit.The Iroquois deed their hunting-groundsnorth of Lake Ontario and westward toLake Michigan to the King of England.1702-5 Francois de Beauharnois intendant ofNew France.1703 Indian attacks renewed on the NewEngland settlements.Reorganization of the Superior Councilat Quebec.1704-9 Bishop Saint-Vallier a prisoner in England.1704 Deerfield in Massachusetts destroyed byFrench and Indians.1705-25 Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil,governor of New France.1705-11 Jacques Raudot intendant of New France.(His son, Antoine Denis Raudot, wasassociated with him.)1705 Negotiations for a Treaty of Neutralitybetween New France and New England.THE DECLABATION OF BIGHTS, 1689.WILLIAM AND MARY KING AND QTJEENOF ENGLAND, 1689-1702. (After Mary sdeath in 1694 William reigns alone.)BATTLE OF KILLIECKANKIE, 1689.WAR IN IRELAND, 1689.TOLERATION ACT, 1689.ENGLAND AND HOLLAND JOIN THELEAGUE OF AUGSBURG, THUS FORMINGTHE GRAND ALLIANCE, 1689.LOCKE STREATISE ON CIVIL GOVERNMENT, 1689.BATTLE OF THE BOYNE, 1690.LOCKE S ESSAY ON THE HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, 1690.Pontchartrain French colonial minister,1690.THE TREATY OF LIMERICK, 1691.Racine s Athalie, 1691.RUSSELL DEFEATS THE FRENCH FLEET ATLA HOGUE, 1692.MASSACRE AT GLENCOE, 1692.The French take Namur and defeatWilliam of Orange at Steinkirk, 1692.BEGINNING OF THE PENAL LAWS INIRELAND, 1692.BEGINNING OF THE NATIONAL DEBT, 1692.The French defeat William of Orange atLanden, 1693.The Order of St Louis created, 1693.THE BANK OF ENGLAND FOUNDED, 1694.THE BEGINNING OF PARTY GOVERNMENTIN ENGLAND, 1694.The Dictionary of the French Academy,1694.NAMUR TAKEN FROM THE FRENCH BYWILLIAM OF ORANGE, 1695.The Peace of Ryswick ends the EuropeanWar, 1697.Peter the Great of Russia visits WesternEurope, 1697.Bayle s Dictionnaire Historique etCritique, 1697.Treaty between France, England andHolland arranging for the partition ofthe King of Spain s dominions, 1698.Death of Charles II of Spain, leaving hisdominions by will to the Duke ofAnjou, grandson of Louis XIV, 1700.Louis XIV accepts the Spanish crownfor his grandson, 1700.THE ACT OF SETTLEMENT, 1701.GRAND ALLIANCE BETWEEN ENGLAND,HOLLAND AND THE EMPEROR, 1701.DEATH OF JAMES II, 1701.The Elector of Brandenburg be<strong>com</strong>esKing of Prussia, 1701.

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