Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760 293CANADAEUROPE1682-86 Jacques de Meulles intendant of NewFrance.1682 Pennsylvania founded.1683 Hennepin publishes his Description de laLouisiane.1683-88 Thomas Dongan governor of New York.1684-87 Francois Marie Perrot governor of Acadia.1684 La Salle appointed governor of Louisiana,leads an expedition from France to theGulf of Mexico.The Iroquois attack Fort St Louis on theIllinois.La Barre leads an expedition against theIroquois, but makes peace.Dongan, governor of New York, claimsjurisdiction over the Iroquois country.Laval visits France and proposes to resignthe bishopric of Quebec.1685-89 Jacques Ren 6 de Brisay, Marquis deDenouville, governor of New France.1685 Canadian noblesse allowed to engage inmanual labour.The Abbe de Saint- Vallier <strong>com</strong>es to Canadaas vicar-general.Card money issued for the first time.1686-1702 Jean Bochart de Champigny intendant ofNew France.1686 The Chevalier Pierre de Troyes and theLe Moynes lead an expedition overlandto Hudson Bay and destroy the Englishforts there.Treaty of Neutrality between Louis XIVand James II governing the relation oftheir American colonies.La Salle establishes a settlement in Texas.Dulhut builds a fort at Detroit.1687-90 Frangois Robineau, Sieur de Menneval,governor of Acadia.1687 Denonville treacherously seizes the Iroquois at Cataraqui.Murder of La Salle.Denonville attacks the Senecas.1688-1727 Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier bishop ofQuebec.1688 About this time Jacques de Noyon exploresthe Kaministikwia route, Rainy Lakeand Lake of the Woods.1689 Massacre of Lachine.The French abandon the fort at Cataraqui.1689-98 Louis de Buade, Comte degovernor of New France.Frontenac,1689 French plan for the conquest of New York.1690 French and Indians destroy Schenectady,Salmon Falls and Fort Loyall.Sir William Phips captures Port Royal.Sir William Phips with a fleet from Bostondefeated in an attack on Quebec.Seignelay French colonial minister,1683-90.THE RYE HOUSE PLOT AND WHIG PLOT.EXECUTION OF RUSSELL AND SIDNEY,AND EXILE OF MONMOUTH, 1683.The French invade the Spanish Netherlands, 1683.Death of Colbert, 1683.Truce between France, Spain and Holland, 1684.JAMES II KINO OF ENGLAND, 1685-89.MONMOUTH S REBELLION AND THEBLOODY ASSIZE, 1686.Revocation of the Edict of Nantes andpersecution of the Huguenots, 1685.JAMES DISPENSES WITH LAWS AGAINSTCATHOLICS, 1686.THE ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSION COUBTESTABLISHED, 1686.The League of Augsburg formed toguarantee the status quo on theContinent against the ambitions ofFrance, 1686.JAMES ISSUES A DECLAEATION OF INDULGENCE, 1687.NEWTON S PRINCIPIA PUBLISHED, 1687DBYDEN S HiND AND PANTHEK, 1687.TRIAL OF THE BISHOPS FOR PETITIONINGAGAINST THE DECLARATION OF INDULGENCE, 1688.WILLIAM OF ORANGE LANDS IN ENGLAND. JAMES II ESCAPES TO FRANCE,1688.Louis XIV makes war on Holland, theEmperor of Austria and the Pope,1688.Bossuet s Histoire des Variations Protestantes,1688.Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, 1689-1725.THE ENGLISH THRONE DECLARED VACANT,1689.

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