Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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292 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1673 Begging introduced into Quebec by fivewomen.1674-88 Francois de Laval-Montmorency bishopof Quebec.1674 The West India Company dissolved.The tax on furs in Canada farmed out toNicholas Oudiette and Company.New York restored to the English.Frontenac arrests Perrot, the governor ofMontreal.The Dutch capture the French forts ofPentagoet and Jemseg in Acadia.1675-82 Jacques Duchesneau intendant of NewFrance.1675 Death of Father Marquette.The seigniory of Fort Frontenac grantedto La Salle.1675-76 King Philips War between the NewEnglanders and the Indians.1676 Market established in Quebec.Licences for private trade with theIndians revoked.1676-78 Jacques Chambly governor of Acadia.1676 The English expel the Dutch from Pentagoet.The Baron de St Castin occupies Pentagoet.The principal inhabitants of Quebec to besummoned to meetings of the police tomake re<strong>com</strong>mendations for the prosperity of the colony.1677 The courts of the Prevot de Quebec andthe Marechaussee established.1678 La Salle authorized to build forts in thewestern country.1678-85 Dulhut and La Tourette build forts northof Lake Superior.1679 La Salle builds the ship Griffon fornavigating Lake Erie.Dulhut visits the country of the SiouxIndians and proclaims the French king.Quarrel between Frontenac and the intendant Duchesneau.Franquelin living at Quebec begins to makemaps of the western exploration.1680 La Salle builds Fort Crevecoeur on theIllinois River.The Iroquois attack the Illinois Indians.Hennepin, Dulhut and others visit theSioux country.1682 Licences for the fur trade reissued.1682-8 5 Lefebvre de la Barre governor of NewFrance.1682 La Salle descends the Mississippi to itsmouth.La Salle founds Fort St Louis at StarvedRock on the Illinois River.ENGLAND MAKES PEACE WITH HOLLAND,1674.Boileau a Art Poetique, 1674.Leibnitz discovers the differential andintegral calculus, 1675.THE NEW ST PAUL S CATHEDBAL,LONDON, BEGUN BY CHRISTOPHERWREN, 1675.ROYAL OBSERVATORY ESTABLISHED ATGREENWICH, 1675.The French defeat the Dutch and Spanishfleets, 1676.MARY, DAUGHTER or JAMES, DUKE orYORK, MARRIES WILLIAM OF ORANGE,1677.TITUS OATES ANNOUNCES THE POPISHPLOT. SECOND TEST ACT AND PERSECUTION OF CATHOLICS, 1678.BUNYAN S PILGRIM S PROGRESS PUBLISHED, 1678.EXCLUSION BILL INTRODUCED INTO THEENGLISH PARLIAMENT, TO DEPRIVETHE DUKE OF YORK OF THE THRONE,1679.HABEAS CORPUS ACT PASSED, 1679.Bossuet s Histoire Universelle, 1679.SHAFTESBURY, LEADER OF THE WHIGS,FLEES TO HOLLAND, 1682.Quarrel between Louis XIV and thePope, and proclamation of Gallicanprinciples by the French bishops, 1682.

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