Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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PERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760 291CANADAEUROPE1667 Ordinance regulating civil procedure inthe law courts.1668 Zachary Gillam sails to Hudson Bay andbuilds Fort Charles on Rupert River.1668-70 Claude de Bouteroue intendant of NewFrance.The Sulpician Fathers Trauve and F6nelonestablish a mission at Quinte.Port Royal, Acadia, reoccupied by theFrench.Canadians allowed to sell or trade all kindsof liquors for furs.1669 Father Marquette establishes a mission onthe south side of Sault Ste Marie.Father Allouez establishes a mission atGreen Bay.Jolliet and Per6 explore Western Ontario.Licences required for trading in furs.Captain Newland sails to Hudson Bay andsets up arms of king at Port Nelson.Dollier and Galinee winter on Lake Erie.The West India Company loses its monopoly of Canadian trade.1670 La Salle supposed to have discovered theOhio River.The Hudson s Bay Company establishestrading-posts on Hudson Bay.The English forts in Acadia surrenderedto the French.1670-72 Jean Talon intendant of New France.1670-73 Hector d Audigny, Sieur de Grandfontaine,governor of Acadia.1671 Trade between Canada and West Indiesestablished.The governor, Courcelle, visits LakeOntario.Death of Madame de la Peltrie.Sir Henry Morgan and the Buccaneerscapture Panama.St Lusson proclaims Louis XIV at SaultSte Marie.1671-72 French expedition up the Saguenay toHudson Bay.1672 The first ships for Atlantic trade built atQuebec.1672-82 Louis de Buade, Comte degovernor of New France.Frontenac,1672 Frontenac summons a meeting of theStates-General at Quebec.1673 Potash industry established in Canada.Marquette and Jolliet discover the upperwaters of the Mississippi.The Dutch capture New York from theEnglish.Royal decree condemns the coureurs debois.CLARENDON1667.DISMISSED FROM OFFICE,MILTON S PARADISE LOST, 1667.Racine s Andromache, 1667.Peace between France and Spain, 1668.Bossuet begins his1669.Oraisons fun&bres,CHARTER GRANTED TO THE GOVERNORAND COMPANY OF ADVENTURERS OFENGLAND TRADING INTO HUDSONBAY, 1670.Secret Treaty of Dover between CharlesII and Louis XIV, 1670.MILTON S PARADISE REGAINEDSAMSON AGONISTES, 1671.ANDENGLAND AND FRANCE ATTACK HOLLAND,1672.The De Witts murdered and Williamof Orange appointed stadtholder ofHolland, 1672.CHARLES II ISSUES THE FIRST DECLARATION OF INDULGENCE, 1672.THE TEST ACT, 1673.

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