Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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2QOCHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1659 Bishop Laval arrives at Quebec as vicarapostolicof New France.Groseilliers and Radisson explore thecountry near Lake Superior.1660 Bollard s defence of the Long Sault.Beginning of conflict over sale of liquorto the Indians.1661-63 Baron Dubois d Avaugour governor ofNew France.1662 Groseilliers and Radisson said to havevisited Hudson Bay.1663-65 Sieur de Mezy governor of New France.1663 Charter of the Company of One HundredAssociates cancelled.The Sovereign Council created.Seminary of Quebec founded.Severe earthquake in Canada.The Seminary of St Sulpice receives theseigniory o! Montreal from the Company of Notre Dame de Montreal.Father Allouez appointed vicar-generalof the Western Missions.1664 Canada placed under the West IndiaCompany.The cost of passage from Quebec to Francefixid at 33 livres.Groseilliers and Radisson, with ZacharyGillam o! Boston, attempt, unsuccessfully, to sail to Hudson Bay.Freight of beaver skins to France fixedat 10 livres per hundredweight.Quarrel between the governor, Mezy, andBishop LavalEnglish conquest of New Netherlands,renamed New York.Sir Henry Morgan in <strong>com</strong>mand of theBuccaneers of the West Indies.Officer appointed at Quebec to attach tagsto goods showing retail price.1665-72 Daniel de Remy, Sieur degovernor of New France,Courcelle,1665-68 Jean Talon intendant of New France.1665 Arrival at Quebec of the Marquis de Tracyand the Carignan-Salieres Regiment.Tracy builds forts on the Richelieu Riverand Lake Champlain.Father Allouez establishes a mission onLake Superior.1666 Courcelle unsuccessfully leads an expedition against the Mohawks. Tracy takes<strong>com</strong>mand of a second expedition anddestroys the Mohawk villages.Brewery established at Quebec.1667 First Census of Canada. Population, 3215.Tracy returns to France.First highways between Quebec and outlying districts.RICHARD CROMWELL PROTECTOR OFENGLAND, 1658-59.REASSEMBLING OF THE RUMP PARLIAMENT, 1659.Peace of the Pyrenees between Franceand Spain, 1659.Moliere s first masterpiece, Lea PrecieusesRidicules, 1659.THE RESTORATION. CHARLES II KINOOF ENGLAND, 1660-85.ROYAL SOCIETY FOUNDED, 1660.CORPORATION ACT, 1661.Versailles built, 1661.Suppression of the convent of PortRoyal, 1661.Colbert chief minister in France, 1661-83ACT OF UNIFORMITY, 1662.DUNKIRK SOLD TO FRANCE, 1662.THE CONVENTICLE ACT FORBIDS NONCONFORMIST MEETINGS, 1664.Colbert reorganizes the <strong>com</strong>mercial policyof France and establishes the East andWest India Companies, 1664.NEWTON DISCOVERS THB BINOMIALTHEOREM, 1665.THE FIVE MILE ACT EXCLUDES NONCONFORMISTS FROM TOWNS, 1665.OUTBREAK OF THE PLAGUE IN LONDON,1605.La Fontaine s Contes, 1665.France joins Holland in the war againstEngland, 1666.THE GREAT FIRE OF LONDON, 1666.SECRET TREATY BETWEEN Louis XIVAND CHARLES II, 1667.TREATY OF BREDA BETWEEN THE ENGLISH, FRENCH AND DUTCH, 1667.

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