Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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iTreatyPERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760 289CANADAEUROPE1643 Father Jogues rescued by the Dutch.D Aulnay Charnisay attacks Fort St John.Repulsed by La Tour.Confederation of New England Colonies.1644 Father Bressani captured by the Iroquoisand ransomed by the Dutck.1645 The Company of New France transfers i;strading rights to the Compagnie desHabitans, made up of principal colonistsin Canada.Peace between the French and Iroquois.D Aulnay Charnisay captures Fort St John:death of Madame de la Tour.1646 Father Jogues killed by the Iroquois.Father Druillettes begins a mission amongthe Abnakis in Maine.1647 Establishment of a Council at Quebec.Proposal of a <strong>com</strong>mercial agreement between Canada and Massachusetts.The first horse in Canada landed at Quebec.Acadia granted as a hereditary fief toD Aulnay Charnisay.1648-51 Louis d Ailleboust de Coulonge governorof Canada.1648 The Huron village of St Joseph destroyedAnne of Austria Regent of France,1643-51.Mazarin chief minister in France, 1643-61.THE SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANTACCEPTED BY THE ENGLISH PARLIAMENT, 1643.THE WESTMINSTER ASSEMBLY, 1643.BATTLE OF MARSTON MOOR, 1644.BATTLE OF NASEBY, 1645.EXECUTION OF LAUD, 1645.KING CHARLES SURRENDERS TO THESCOTS, 1646.QUARREL BETWEEN PARLIAMENT ANDTHE ARMY, 1647.SECOND CIVIL WAR, 1648.PRIDE S PURGE, 1648.by the Iroquois: martyrdom of FatherWestphalia, 1648.DanieLSpain recognizes the independence of theDutch, 1648.1649 The Huron villages of St Ignace and StEXECUTION OF CHARLES I, 1649.Louis destroyed by the Iroquois.THEMartyrdom of Brebeul andCOMMONWEALTH, 1649-53.Lalemant.1650-51 Unsuccessful negotiations for a <strong>com</strong>CROMWELL IN IRELAND, 1649.mercial union and alliance between The War of the Fronde, 1649.Canada and New England.CROMWELL IN SCOTLAND, 1650.1650 The Hurons abandon their country. The CROMW T ELL DEFEATS CHARLES II ATIroquois destroy the Neutral Indians. WORCESTER, 1651.1651-66 Jean de Lauzon governor of New France. THE NAVIGATION ACT, 1651.1653 Peace between the French and the Iroquois.Louis XIV of France declared of age,1651.Arrival at Montreal of Marguerite Bourgeoys,founder of the Congregation WAR BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND THERevolt of Cond6, 1651.Sisters.DUTCH, 1652.1654 Father Simon le Moyne among the CROMWELL EXPELS THE LONG PARLIAIroquois.Two Frenchmen (Groseilliers and Radissoii)MENT, 1653.OLIVER CROMWELL PROTECTOR OF ENGvisit the country west of Lake LAND, 1653-58.Michigan.BLAKE AND MONK DEFEAT THE DUTCH,Robert Sedgwick captures Port Royal.1653.1655 Jamaica conquered by the English. WAR BETWEEN ENGLAND AND SPAIN,1656 Mohawks attack the French on the St 1654.Lawrence and Huron refugees at Island BLAKE SENT WITH A FLEET TO THEof Orleans.MEDITERRANEAN, 1654.Acadia granted by Cromwell to La Tour, ALLIANCE BETWEEN ENGLAND ANDTemple and Crowne.FRANCE, 1655.1657 Sulpician priests arrive hi Canada.Pascal s Lettres Provinciates, 1656.1657-70 Thomas Temple governor of Acadia. French and English defeat the Spaniards1657-61 Vi<strong>com</strong>te d Argenson governor of New at the Dunes, 1658.France.ENGLAND OBTAINS DUNKIRK, 1658.VOL. xxni

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