Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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288 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1629 Captain Daniel captures Lord Ochiltree sfort in Gape Breton.1630 The Puritans in Massachusetts Bay.Boston founded.1631 Charles de la Tour, who has rejoined theFrench, establishes a fort at the mouthof St John River.Foxe and James explore Hudson Bay.1632 Quebec and Port Royal restored to theFrench.The Jesuits return to Canada.The Chevalier de Razilly takes possessionof Acadia.Lord Baltimore obtains a charter ofMaryland.1633 The Company of One Hundred Associatestakes possession of Quebec.1633-35 Champlain covernor of New France.1633 The colony of Maryland founded.First English settlement in Connecticut.1634 Fort built at Three Rivers.The seigniory of Beauport granted toGiffard.Nicolet visits Sault Ste Marie and GreenBay.The Jesuit Fathers Brebeuf, Davost andDaniel re-establish the Huron mission.1635 The Sieur d Aulnay-Charnisay and Charlesde la Tour expel the New Englandersfrom Fenobscot and Machias.Death of Champlain.1636-48 Charles Huault de Montmagny governorof New France.1636 Roger Williams establishes a settlementat Providence.1637 The Custom of Paris established inCanada.The village of Sillery founded for Algonquin and Montagnais converts.1638 Acadia divided between D Aulnay and LaTour.A Swedish settlement established on theDelaware River.1639 Ursuline nuns and Sisters of the Hotel-Dieu arrive at Quebec.1641 Fathers Raymbault and Jogues visit SaultSte Marie.1642 Ville Marie, or Montreal, founded byMaisonueuve and the representativesof the Company of Notre Dame deMontreal.Father Jogues captured by the Iroquois.Fort Richelieu founded at the mouth ofthe Richelieu River.1643 Hospital established at Montreal underJeanne Mance and Madame de laPeltrie.Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden entersGermany, 1630.TBEATY OF ST GERMAIW-EN-LAYE BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1632.Battle of Lutzen and death of GustavusAdolphus, 1632.LAUD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY,1633.SHIP MONEY LEVIED, 1634.Richelieu appointed intendant, 1634.War between France and Spain, 1635.Establishment of the Acad6mie Fran-1635.Jansenism in France, 1636.TRIAL OF HAMPDEN, 1637.Riot in St Giles Church, Edinburgh, 1637.Descartes Discours sur la Methode,1637.The Covenant in Scotland, 1638.The first Bishops War in Scotland, 1639.THE LONG PARLIAMENT, 1640.Independence of Portugal, 1640.EXECUTION OF STRAFFORD, 1641.INSURRECTION IN IRELAND, 1641.THE GRAND REMONSTRANCE, 1641.ATTEMPT TO ARREST THE FIVE MEMBERS,1642.OUTBREAK or THE CIVIL WAR, 1642.Olier founds the Seminary of SaintSulpice at Paris, 1642.Death of Richelieu, 1642.Louis XIV King of France, 1643-1715.

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