Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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286 CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESCANADAEUROPE1605 Ste Croix settlement transferred to PortRoyal.Barbados taken possession of by England.1606 London and Plymouth Companies incorporated for American colonization.1607 The colony of Port Royal abandoned.The Plymouth Company establishes asettlement at the Kennebec River whichis abandoned next year.The London Company establishes asettlement at Jamestown, Virginia.1608 Quebec founded by Champlain.1609 Champlain visits Lake Champlain andfights Iroquois.Henry Hudson, sent out by the Dutch,explores Hudson River.1610 Champlain takes part in battle withIroauois on the Richelieu River.Poutrincourt re-establishes the settlement at Port Royal.Henry Hudson explores Hudson Bay.1611 Jesuit mission established in Acadia.1612 Cbamplain appointed lieutenant-generalof New France.1612-13 Thomas Button explores Hudson Bay.1613 Champlain explores the Ottawa River.The Jesuits make an establishmentMount Desert Island, in Maine.atMount Desert and Port Royal sacked bythe English under Argall.1014 Champlain organizes a <strong>com</strong>pany for thefur trade and colonization on the StLawrence.Dutch begin trading at Manhattan.1615 Recollet mission established in Canada.Father Le Caron visits the Huroncountry.Champlain visits the Ottawa River,Georgian Bay, the Huron country andLake Ontario. Unsuccessfully attacksthe Iroquois.William Baffin explores Hudson Bay.1616 Etienne Brulfe journeys from Canada toChesapeake Bay.1617 Louis Hebert, first settler to take land atQuebec.Mission founded at Three Rivers.The first marriage in Canada, Anne,daughter of Louis H6bert, to StephenJonquest.1620 The Plymouth colony founded by thePilgrim Fathers.Recollet church at Notre Dame des Anges,Quebec, founded.Fort St Louis, Quebec, begun.The Caen Company organized for tradeand colonization in Canada.BACON S ESSAYS, 1597.Edict of Nantes, 1598.EAST INDIA COMPANY FORMED, 1600.James restores bishops in ScottishChurch, 1600.JAMES I OF ENGLAND, Sixth of Scotland,1603-25.SIB WALTER RALEIGH IMPRISONED, 1603.HAMPTON COURT CONFERENCE, 1604.PEACE WITH SPAIN, 1604.GUNPOWDER PLOT, 1605.Truce between Spain and the Netherlands, 1609.Astronomical discoveries of Galileo, 1609.THE PILGRIM FATHERS AT LEYDEN, 1609.Louis <strong>XII</strong>I King of France, 1610-43.THE AUTHORIZED VERSION OF THE BIBLE,1611.PRINCESS ELIZABETH MARRIES THEELECTOR, 1613.Richelieu secretary of state of France,1616.DEATH OF SHAKESPEARE, 1616.HARVEY ANNOUNCES HIS DISCOVERY OFTHE CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, 1616.SIR WALTER RALEIGH EXECUTED, 1618.Beginning of the Thirty Years War,1618.The Elector Palatine chosen King ofBohemia, 1619.BACON S NOVUM ORGANUM, 1620.

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