Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CHRONOLOGICAL OUTLINESFirst Column : Canadian events are in boldface type, as this lineSecond Column : ENGLISH EVENTS ABE IN SMALL CAPITALS, AS THIS LINEPERIOD I. FRENCH COLONIAL, 1534-1760CANADAEUROPE1493149714981500150115021504151215131519-211519-221520-2115241524-25152715301532-3315341535-361539-4315401541-42Second voyage of Columbus.John Cabot lands on the Mainland ofNorth America.Third voyage of ColumbusSecond voyage of John Cabot.Gaspar Corte Real sails to Greenland.Caspar Corte Real visits Labrador andNewfoundland.About this time English fishing vesselsbegin to visit Newfoundland.Fourth voyage of Columbus.French fishing vessels visit Newfoundland.Ponce de Leon discovers Florida.Vasco de Balboa crosses the Isthmus ofDarien and discovers Pacific Ocean.Fernando Cortez conquers Mexico.Magellan s voyage : first circumnavigation of the globe.Fagundez explores Nova Scotia : receivesgrant of Nova Scotia from King ofPortugal.Giovanni da Verrazano explores the coastof N. America from N. Carolina toNewfoundland.Estevan Gomez explores the coast fromNewfoundland to Cape Cod.The ship Mary of Guildford from Londonexplores the northern coast of America.About this time William Hawkins engages in slave trade between Guineaand America.Pizarro conquers Peru.Charles VIII King of France, 1483-98.HENRY VII KINO OF ENGLAND, 1485-1509.Vasco da Gama sails to India by way ofCape of Good Hope, 1497-98.Louis <strong>XII</strong> King of France, 1498-1515.HENRY VIII KING OF ENGLAND, 1509-47.Francis I King of France, 1515-47.THOMAS MOBE S UTOPIA, 1516.First voyage of Jacques Cartier: exploration of the Gulf of St Lawrence.Second voyage of Jacques Cartier: explora ACT OF SUPREMACY.tion of River St Lawrence.De Soto explores the lower Mississippivalley.Roberval appointed lieutenant-general ofCanada.Third voyage of Jacques Cartier: fort builtat Cap Rouge.BEGINNING OF THE REFORMATION INENGLAND, 1530.Ignatius Loyola founds the Society ofJesus, 1534.EXECUTION OF SIRTHOMAS MORE AND JOHN FISHER, 1535.THOMAS CROMWELL VICAR -GENERAL,1535.Calvin s Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536.The Jesuit Order confirmed by papalbull, 1540.284

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