Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE PACIFIC PROVINCE 283M c KinJay Narrative of a Journey in 1890, from the University of Iowa during the years 1892,:Great Slave Lake to Beechy Lake, on the Great 93, and 94. 1898.Fish River. Ed. by D. B. Bowling. (Ott. Seton : The Arctic Prairies. (Scribner s, vol.Nat., 1893, pp. 85-92, and 101-114.)xlviii, pp. 513-32, 725-34; vol. xlix, pp. 61-72.)The Expedition of Jens Munk to Hudson s Bay:Simpson Narrative of the Discoveries on thein 1619-20. (Hakluyt Society.) London, North Coast of America ;effected by the1897.Officers of the Hudson s Bay Company duringPelletier : Patrol Report, Inspector E. A. the years 18o6-39. London, 1843.Pelletier, Port Saskatchewan, Alberta, to Swainson and Richardson: Fauna Borealis:Chesterfield Inlet and Fullerton, Hudson Bay, Americana. Part Second. The Birds.and return to Regina, via Churchill, HudsonLondon, 1831.Bay. (Report of R.N.-W. Mounted Police,David1909, pp. 141-68, app. O.) Ottawa, 1909.Thompson s Narrative. Edited by J. B.Tyrrell. Toronto, 1915.Pennant : Vol. i, Quadrupeds. London, 1784.Tyrrell Explorations in 1893 and 1894. (Ann.Pennant : : Vol. ii, Birds. London, 1785.Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., 1894, vol. vii, part A,Pennant :Supplement to the Arctic Zoology. pp. 38-48.)London, 1787.Tyrrell Notes on the Pleistocene of the North-:Petitot :Geographic de 1 Athabaskaw-Mackenzie. West Territories of Canada, north-west and(Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, July, west of Hudson s Bay. (Geol. Mag. [London],Aug. and Sept. 1875.)Sept. 1894, pp. 394-9.)Pike : The Barren Ground of Northern Canada. TyrrellLondon and New An Expedition through the Barren:York, 1892.Lands of Northern Canada. (Geog. Jour.Preble : A Biological Investigation of the Hudson [London], vol. iv, pp. 437-50, and map.)Bay Region. (North American Fauna, No. 22. )Washington, 1902.Tyrrell The Barren Lands. : (Ott. Nat., vol. x,pp. 203-7.)Preble : A Biological Investigation of the AthaTyrrell A Second Expedition through thebasca-Mackenzie Region. (North American: Barren Lands of Northern Canada. (Geog.Fauna, No. 27.) Washington, 1908.Jour. [London], vol. vi, pp. 438-48, andPreble : Notes in Hearne s Journey. New ed. map.)1911.Tyrrell Report on the Doobaunt, Kazan and:Preble : Notes in David Thompson s Narrative. Ferguson Rivers, and the North-West CoastToronto, 1915.of Hudson Bay, and on Two Overland RoutesPond :Map in Burpee s Search for the Western from Hudson Bay to Lake Winnipeg. (Ann.Sea, p. 182.Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., vol. ix, 1895, part F.)Rae : Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores Ottawa, 1897.of the Arctic Sea. London, 1850.Tyrrell The Glaciation of North-Central Canada.:Rae :Journey from Great Bear Lake to (Journal of Geology, Feb. 1898, pp. 147-60.)Wollaston Land. (Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., Tyrrell Natural Resources of the Barren Lands:of Canada.vol. xxii, pp. 73-96.)(Scot. Geog. Mag., March 1899,Report from the Committee appointed to pp. 126-38.)inquireinto the state and condition of the Countries Tyrrell Minerals and Ores of Northern Canada.:adjoining to Hudson s Bay, and of the Trade (Jour. Can. Min. Inst., vol. xi, pp. 348-65.)carried on there. London, 1749.:Tyrrell Introduction and Notes to Hearne sReport from the Select Committee on the Hudson s Journey. Toronto, 1911.Bay Company. London, 1857.:Tyrrell Introduction and Notes to DavidRichardson :Appendix to Captain Parry s Thompson s Narrative. Toronto, 1915.Journal of a Second Voyage. London, 1825.(Contains many notes on : natural history of Tyrrell Across the Sub -Arctics of Canada :a Journey of 3200 Miles by Canoe and Snowshoethrough the Barren Lands. Toronto,Coppermine region.)Richardson : Short Characters of a few Quadlt>97.rupeds procured on Captain Franklin s lateTyrrell ReportExpedition. (Zool. Jour., iii, No. on an Exploratory Survey be:12, pp. tween Great Slave Lake and Hudson Bay.516-20.)(Ann. Rep Dept. ofRichardson : Fauna Interior, Borealis : Americana. PartApp. 26, Part iii.)Ottawa, 1901.First. Quadrupeds. London, 1829.Umfreville : Present State of Hudson s Bay,Richardson : Fauna Borealis : Americana. Part containing a Full Description of that SettleThird. The Fishes. London, 1836.ment, and the Adjacent Country ; and likeRichardson : Arctic Searching Expedition A wise of the Fur Trade. London, 1790.;Journey of a Boat-Voyage through Rupert s Wales : Journal of a Voyage made by order ofLand and the Arctic Sea. London, 1851. the Royal Society, to Churchill River, on theAnother edition, New York, 1854.North-West Coast of Hudson s Bay ;ofRichardson : The Polar Regions. Edinburgh, Thirteen Months Residence in that Country ;1861.and of the Voyage back to England in the;Robson : An Account of Six Years Residence in Years 1768 and 1769. (Phil. Trans., vol. x,Hudson s Bay from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to pp. 100-36.) London, 1771.1747. London, 1752.Whitney On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds.Russell :Explorations in the Far North, being the New :York, 1896.Report of an Expedition under the Auspices of Willson The Great Company. London, 1899.:

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