Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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12 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESof Industries and Immigration department,Nova Scotia, 14 651.Baronets of Nova Scotia. Instituted by James I(1624), 13 36-7 ; number of baronies andconditions of grants, 37; failure of scheme, 37.Barr, James (Angus Evan Abbott) (b. 1862).Novelist and journalist, 12 563.Barr, Robert. First schoolmaster of VancouverIsland, 21 106 ;his allowances for boardingpupils, 106.Barr, Robert (1850-1912). Canadian novelist,12 562-3.Barr Colony or All-British Settlement. Foundedby Rev. I. M. Barr, 7 549-52, 19 180-5 ;number and racial <strong>com</strong>ponents of immigrants, 182-3 ;causes increase of prices inSaskatoon, 183 ; founder absconds, 183 ;locations made by, 184.Barrett, J. K. Editor of the North-West Review, 11 187.Barrett, Miss. Methodist mission schoolteacher, 20 479.Barrington. First Free Baptist congregationin the Maritime Provinces formed at, 11 355.Barron, F. W. Instructor in Toronto normalschool, 18 312.Barrow Strait. Franklin search expeditionsmeet in (1850), 5 303.Barry, John. His suspension from NovaScotia assembly, 13 277-8 ; expelled and reelected,278 ;<strong>com</strong>mitted to prison andrescued by rioters, 278.Barry, Mile Robertine (Franco ise ).Herchroniques, 12 488.Barry, Thomas (b. 1841). Roman Catholicbishop of Chatham, 11 78.Barss, Joseph. Captain of the LiverpoolPacket privateer, 13 253.Barthelemy, Brother. Superior of Brothers ofthe Christian Schools, 16 345.Bartlett, S. T. Methodist Church organizer, 11240.Basilian Fathers. In charge of St Michael sCollege, Toronto (1851), 11 60 ; at OwenSound missions, 64 ; at Sandwich, 63.Basset, Jean (1646-1716). Founds convent atPointe-aux-Trembles, Quebec (1716), 16 358.Bastedo, Samuel Tovel (b. 1855). Superintendent of Canadian government annuities, 6 162.Batavia. First Cunarder built with <strong>com</strong>poundengines, 10 601.Bate, Mark. Mining pioneer of Nanaimo, 211<strong>23</strong>.Bates, Joshua (1788-1864). Umpire in Washington seizure arbitration, 8 693.Bates, Walter (1760-1842). A pioneer loyalistof St John, 13 144 ; author of Comparisonfor Caraboo (1817), 12 535.Bath, Thomas Thynne, third Marquess of (1765-1837). Sends out settlers to Upper Canada.1782.Bathurst, Henry, third Earl Bathurst (1762-1834), secretaryfor War and the Colonies(1812-27). Intimates increase in BishopPlessis allowance, 11 40 ; and protectionfor Red River settlers, 19 33-4 and n. ; hisinstructions to Drummond, 3 281 ;and thefisheries question, 8 683-4 ;wants an understanding with Roman Catholic Church, S284 ;would consent to Sewell s retirement,285 ; proposes to open patronage to French-Canadians, 286 ; and adjudication on assembly s charges, 4 481-2 ;and TalbotSettlement, 17 73 receives ;Bishop Plessis,11 46 ;and Lanark Settlement, 17 77 ;onrelations of governor and lieutenant-governor, 4 447-8 ; and civil rights for Americancitizens, 3 332-3 ; withholds purchase ofclergy reserves by Canada Company, 334 ;retirement of, 305.Bathurst, N.B. Its early importance in shipbuilding, 10 585.Bathurst Inlet. Explored by Franklin, 4 681 ;its copper-bearing rocks, 22 658.Batoche. A centre of disturbance duringNorth-West Rebellion, 7 430; Middleton svictory at (1885), 6 103, 11 171.Batt, Major. Commands relieving party atFort Cumberland, 13 135.Battleford. A centre of disaffection in North-West Rebellion, 7 4CO ;Indian attack on, 6102, 7 600; capital cf North-West Territories, 19 161, 200-1 ; criticism of transferof seat of government from, 201 n.Baudin, J. B. Incumbent of St Mary s Church,Winnipeg, 11 161.Baudoin, Michel (1692-c. 1768), Jesuit. Vicargeneralof Louisiana, 11 15.Bavarian. ( 1 )Canadian Navigation Company ssteamer, 10 539. (2) First Transatlantic linerto be built entirely of steel, 10 607.Baxter, Simon.13 142.Loyalist pioneer at Fort Howe,Bay State. American Mail Line steamer, 10540.Bayard, James Asheton (1767-1815). UnitedStates signatory to Treaty of Ghent (1814),8771.Bayard, Thomas Francis (1828-98), Americanof state. And British seizures ofsecretaryfishing vessels, 8 699 his ; negotiations withTupper, 9 168 ; proposes appointment offisheries <strong>com</strong>mission, 8 702 ;and protectionof seals, 724.Baye Sainct Laurens (Pillage Bay). JacquesCartier at, 1 35 ; name extended to Riverand Gulf of the St Lawrence, 35.Bayly, Charles, governor at Fort Charles, 1 170 ;at Fort Nelson, 182-3.Baynes, Admiral. His tactful conduct duringoccupation of San Juan, 8 874; 21 149.Baynes, Colonel Edward (d. 1829). Present atattack on Sackett s Harbour, 3 240-1 ; sentto propose an armistice, 254.Bazin, Philippe J. (b. 1855). Civil Serviceinquiry <strong>com</strong>missioner, 6 164.Beadle, D. W. Horticultural editor of CanadaFarmer, 18 568.Beam, Jacob. Pioneer Baptist in Niagarapeninsula, 11 360.Beamsville. Pioneerformed at, 11 360.Baptist congregationBear Head. See Cap Royal.Beardsley, John (1732-1810). First residentAnglican clergyman at St John, N.B. (1783),11 209 ; transferred to Maugerville, 208.

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