Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE PACIFIC PROVINCE 279Dragg Great : Probability of a NorthwestPassage. London, 1768.Fitzgerald The Hudson s Bay Company and:Vancouver Island. London, 1849.Provincial Acts on Forestry: Forest Act, 1912 ;Timber Royalty Act, 1914 ; Forest Act ReliefAct, 1915.Final Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiryon Timber and Forestry, 1909-1910.Report of the Forest Branch of the Departmentof Lands for the Years ending December 31st,1912, 1913, and 1914.Export Bulletin.Trade Commissioners Pictures.Speeches by the Hon. W. R. Ross, Ministerof Lands : in the Legislative Assembly,January <strong>23</strong>, 1912, February 12, 1914, February10, 1915 ;on Natural Resources of BritishColumbia at Vancouver, Dec. 16, 1913 ; onConservation at Vancouver, May 1, 1915;on the Timber Export Trade, Victoria,April 16, 1015.Economics of Forestry (by Fernow). New York.Forest Resources and Problems of Canada (byFernow). (Proc. Soc. Amer. Foresters, vol. vii.)Lectures on Forestry. (British Whig, Kingston,Ont.) 1903.What isForestry ? (U.S.F.S. Bui. No. 5.) 1891.Franchere : Narrative of a Voyage to theNorth-West Coast of America. Trans, anded. by Huntington. Redfield, 1854.Froude :English Seamen in the SeventeenthCentury.Goldson :Passage between the Atlantic andPacific, in two Memoirs en the Straits of Anianand the Discoveries of De Fonte. Portsmouth,1793.Greenhow : The History of Oregon and California.London, 1844.Hazlitt : British Columbia and Vancouver Island.London, 1858.Henry-Thompson Journals. Ed. by Coues.3 vols. New York, 1897.Letter of Chief Justice Draper to Secretary ofState, dated 6 May, 1857, relative to Hudson sBay Company.Correspondence between the Colonial Office, theCompany and the Government of Canada, inconsequence of the Report on the Affairs ofthe Company in 1857, 1858.Report from the Select Committee on theHudson s Bay Company. 1857.Laut :Conquest of the Great North-West.2 vols. New York, 1908.Laut :Vikings of the Pacific. New York,1906.Lyman : History of Oregon. 1903.Macdonald : British Columbia and Vancouver sIsland. London, 1862.Macfie : Vancouver Island and British Columbia.London, 1865.Marcou : Notes upon the First Discoveries ofCalifornia and the Origin of its Name.Washington, 1878.Martin : The Hudson Bay Territories andVancouver Island, with an Exposition of theChartered Rights, Conduct and Policy of theHonble. Hudson s Bay Corporation. London,1849.Masson : Les bourgeois de la Compagnie duNord-Ouest. 2 vols. Qu6bec, 1889-90.:Mayne Four Years in British Columbia andVancouver Island. London, 1862.Meany Vancouver s Discovery of Puget Sound.New :York, 1907.Meares :Voyages made in the Years 1788 and1789 from China to the North-West Coast ofAmerica. London, 1790.Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines forBritish Columbia.Canadian Mining Institute Publications.Reports of the Canada Department of Mines,Geological Survey and Mines Branches.A Partial Bibliography referring to the Geologyand Mineral Industry of Alberta, BritishColumbia, and the Yukon (by Gwillim).(Jour. Can. Min. Inst., 1908.)Canadian Mining Journal.British Columbia Mining Exchange.Mofras :Exploration du territoire de 1Oregon.Paris, 1844.Morice :History of the Northern Interior ofBritish Columbia. Toronto, 1904.Navarrete : Documentos ineditos. 3 vols.London, 1798.Payne : Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen toAmerica. London, 1880.Pemberton : Facts and Figures relating toVancouver Island and British Columbia.London, 1860.Prescott : Mexico. 2 vols. London, 1878.Rattray : Vancouver Island and British Columbia.London, 1862.Ross : Adventures of First Settlers on ColumbiaRiver. London, 1865.Scholefield and Howay : British Columbia fromthe Earliest Times to the Present. Vancouver,c. 1914.Simpson Narrative : of a Journey round theWorld during the Years 1841 and 1842. 2 vols.London, 1847.:Southey Lives of the British Admirals. 5 vols.London, 1833-40.Tyrrell Brief Narrative of the : JourneysDavid ofThompson. Toronto, 1888.Twiss :Oregon Question. London, 1846.Vancouver :Voyage of Discovery to the NorthPacific Ocean, 1790-1795. 3 vols. London,1798.Walbran : British Columbia Coast Names. 1909.Wheeler : Annual Report of the Survey West ofthe Hundredth Parallel, 1876.Winsor : Narrative and Critical History ofAmerica. 8 vols. Boston, 1884-89.Year-book of British Columbia, 1897-1914.BBITISH COLUMBIA :INDIAN TRIBES OF THE INTEEIOB. By J. A. Teit.(pp. 283-312.)Boas :Reports on the Indians of BritishColumbia. (In Reports iv to xii on N.W.Tribes of Canada : Brit. Assoc.)Chamberlain :Report on the Kootenay Indians.(Report viii on N.W. Tribes of Canada :Brit. Assoc.)Dawson : Notes on the Shuswap People of BritishColumbia. (Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., sec. 2,1891.)Farrand :Basketry Designs of the Salish Indians.(Jesup N. Pac. Exped., vol. i, part 5 :Memoirs Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.)

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