Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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2 7 8 BIBLIOGRAPHYOriginal Letters regarding the Selkirk Settlement. in North America ; its Destruction in theSettlement of Kildonan, upon the Red River :Young Manitoba Memories. Toronto, 1897.(Man. Hist. Soc., 1889.)Years 1815 and 1816, and the Massacre ofSelkirk : Observations on the Present State of Governor Semple and his Party. London,the Highlands of Scotland with a View of the 1817.Causes and Probable Consequences of Emi Simpson Report at : Large of the Trial ofgration. London, 1805.Charles de Reinhardt for Murder. Montreal,Selkirk : A Sketch of the British Fur Trade in 1819. (Relates to the Red River SettlementNorth America, with Observations relative troubles. )to the Northwest Company of Montreal. Strachan : A Letter to the Earl of Selkirk on hisLondon, 1816.Settlement at the Red River. London, 1816.Selkirk : A Letter to the Earl of Liverpool from Tach6 : Thethe Earl of Selkirk ac<strong>com</strong>panied by a Amnesty CorreAgain. 1875.Tass6 : Les Canadiena de 1 Quest. 2 vols.spondence with the Colonial Department Montreal, 1878.(in the Years 1817, 1818 and 1819) on theSubject of the Red River Trial of JohnSettlement, in NorthSiveright, Alexander Mackenzie,America. London (1819).Hugh M&amp;lt;=Gillis, John M c Donald, JohnMRemarks on the Earl of Selkirk s On Laughlin and Simon Eraser, 1818.the PresentState of the Highlands of Tucker : Western Canada.Scotland, etc.Toronto, 1907.Edinburgh,A 1806.Report of the Royal Commission on the UniNarrative of Occurrences in the Indian versity of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1910.:Countries of North America since the Con Vineburgh Provincial and Local Taxation innexion of the Right Hon. the Earl of Selkirk Canada. New York, 1912.with the Hudson s Bay Co. London, 18J.7. Wade : Manitoba School Question. Toronto,Report on the Proceedings connected with1894.theDisputes between the Earl of Selkirk and the West : The Substance of a Journal during aNorth-West Company at the Assizes held at Residence at the Red River Colony. London,York in Upper Canada, October 1818. 1824.Montreal, 1819.Wickett :Municipal Government in the North-Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk s West Territories. Toronto, 1904.<strong>Section</strong> XI(Vols. 21, 22)The Pacific ProvinceTHE PERIOD OF EXPLORATION. By T. G. Marqais.(pp. 13-71.)COLONIAL HISTORY, 1849-1871. By R. E. Gosnell.(pp. 75-176.)POLITICAL HISTORY, 1871-1913. By F. W. Howay.(pp. 179-<strong>23</strong>7.)ECONOMIC HISTORY. By C. H. Lugrin. (pp.241-80.)INDIAN TRIBES OF THE INTERIOR. By J. A. Teit.of the North-West Coast.2 vols. San Francisco, 1884.Bancroft :History of Oregon. 2 vols. SanHistoryFrancisco, 1888.Begg : History1894.Besant :Captain Cook.Bradbury(pp. 283-312.) See p. 279.INDIAN TRIBES OF THE COAST.(pp. 315-46.) See p. 280.By E. Sapir.PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. By R. E. Gosnell. Bryce : Remarkable History(pp. 349-84.)HISTORY OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM.Clement, (pp. 387-97.)By W. H. P.HISTORY OF EDUCATION. By Alexander Robinson, Burpee(pp. 401-42.)THE FISHERIES. By D. N. M c lntyre. (pp. 445-83. )FOREST RESOURCES. By A. C. Flumerfelt. (pp.487-521.)HISTORY OF FARMING. By R. E. Gosnell. (pp. Cook :Voyage525-52.)MINES AND MINING. By E. Jacobs, (pp. 555-81.)THE YUKON TERRITORY. By J. B. Tyrrell, (pp.585-636.) Seep. 280.London, 1831.THE NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. By J. B. Tyrrell, Coxe :(pp. 639-60.) See p. 281.Pacific. London, 1800.Bancroft :SanHistory of British Columbia.1890.2 vols. Coxe :of British Columbia. Toronto,: Travels in the Interior of Americain the Years 1809, 1810, 1811. Liverpool,1817.British Columbia s Claim on the DominionGovernment for Better Terms.G. H. Cowan. 1904.Compiled byof the Hudson sBay Company. London, 1900.Burney Chronological History of Voyages to:the South Sea. London, 1819.: Search for the Western Sea. Toronto,1908.Report of Royal Commission on Chinese Immigration. 1884.Coats and Gosnell : Sir James Douglas. Toronto,1910.to the Pacific Ocean. 4 vols.London, 1784.Corbett : Drake and the Tudor Navy. London,1908.Cox : Adventures on the Columbia River.Discoveries of the Russians in the NorthDiscoveries of the Russians between Asiaand America. 1780.

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