Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES 277Copies of Any Memorials by Inhabitants of theRed River Settlement <strong>com</strong>plaining of theCompany, etc., 1849.Secretary of State to Governor-General ofCanada. Despatch 12 March 157. (Hudson sBay Company.)Report from the Select Committee on theHudson s Bay Company, 1857.Hudson s Bay Papers. London, 1859.Copy or Extract of Correspondence between theColonial Office, the Government of theCanadian Dominion, and the Hudson s BayCo. relating to the Surrender of Rupert sLand by the Hudson s Bay Company, and forthe Admission thereof into the Dominion ofCanada. (London) 1869.:Hughes Father La<strong>com</strong>be, the Black RobeVoyageur. Toronto, 1911.Hunt : Taxation Systems of North-West Canada(in Report of International Conference onState and Local Taxation. Toronto, 1908).Jackson : A View of the Political Situation of theProvince of Upper Canada, in North America.London, 1809.Kingsford : History of Canada (vol. ix).10 vols. Toronto, 1887-98.Laut : Pathfinders of the West. New York,1904.Laut :Conquest of the Great North-West. 2 vols.New York, 1908.Lefroy : Legislative Power in Canada. Toronto,1897.Leibert : Bruederfeld and Bruederheim, MoravianSettlements in Alberta. Bethlehem, Pa., 1896.Trial of Ambrose Lepine.Depeches concernant la <strong>com</strong>mutation de lasentence de L6pine et 1 amnistie relative auxtroubles du Nord- Quest. Ottawa, 1875.Lewis : Government of Dependencies (by C. P.Lucas). London, 1891.Lome : The Canadian North-West. Ottawa,1882.M c Dougall On Western Trails in the Early:Seventies. Toronto, 1911.Macoun : Manitoba and the Great North-West.Guelph,M 1882.Phillips SaskatchewanPrince Albert.Directory, 1888.Martin : Hudson s BayTenures. London, 1898.Company s LandMartin : Rise of Law in Rupert s Land (published in Western Law Times, vol. ii).Masson : Les Boiirgeois de la Compagnie duNord-Ouest. 2 vols. Quebec, 1889-90.Moore :Report on Prince Albert PresbyterianMission to the Indians on the Saskatchewan.Ottawa, 1873.Morice :History of the Catholic Church inWestern Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1910.Morice : Histoire de 1Eglise Catholique dans1 Ouest Canadien. (1659-1905.) Winnipeg,1912.Morris : Nova Britannia. Toronto, 1884.Morris : Treaties of Canada with the Indians ofManitoba, the North-West Territories andKeewatin. Toronto, 1880.Municipal Institutions The Manitoba :MunicipalAct, and the Municipal Assessment Act of 1902,with later Amendment Acts ; the Local Improvements, Rural Municipality, Village,Town, and City Acts of Saskatchewan andAlberta ; the Annual Reports of the Departments of Municipal Affairs, especially thosefor Saskatchewan by the Deputy-Minister,J. N. Bayne.Files of The New Nation, Provincial GovernmentLibrary, Winnipeg.Journals of the Council of the North-WestTerritories, 1877-1887.Oldmixon : British Empire in America. Ed.1908. London.Oliver : Canadian North-West : Its EarlyDevelopment and Legislative Records. 2 vols.Ottawa : Archives Department.Ouimet : La verite sur la question m^tisse auNord-Ouest. Montreal, 1889.Canadian Parliamentary Companion and AnnualRegister. Ottawa, 1877 et seq.Perrie : Tax System of Province of Alberta inReport of the Second International Conferenceon State and Local Taxation. Toronto,1908.Piper : Principles of the Grain Trade of WesternCanada. Winnipeg.Prince Albert and the North Saskatchewan.Prince Albert.Provincial Finance : The British North AmericaAct of 1867, together with the AmendmentAct of 1907 ; the Manitoba Act of 1870, withsubsequent Amendment Acts including theManitoba Boundaries Act of 1912 ; theSaskatchewan and Alberta Acts of 1905 ; theDebates of the House of Commons, Dominionof Canada, Session 1906-7, vol. iii, p. 5287et seq. ;the debate on Dominion Subsidies ;and the Public Accounts of the three Provinces.Papers relating to the Red River Settlement.(Publication ordered by the House ofCommons, 1819.)Red River Insurrection. Hon. Wm. M c Dougall aConduct Reviewed. Montreal, 1870. (Writtenby Sir Francis Hincks.)The Regina Leader.La Reine vs. Louis Riel, accusi et convaincu ducrime de haute trahison. Ottawa, 1886.L amnistie. Memoire sur les causes des troublesdu Nord-Ouest et sur les negociations quiamene ontleur reglement amiable. Montreal,1874.Louis Riel, Martyr du Nord-Ouest.Ross : The Fur Hunters of the Far West.2 vols. London, 1855.Ross : Red River Settlement. London, 1856.Russell : The Red River Country, Hudson sBay and North-West Territories considered inrelation to Canada. Ottawa, 1869.Statutes of Manitoba, 1871 to 1912.Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1891.Manitoba Law Reports, vols. i to xxi.Manitoba Law Digest (Patterson and Taylor).Winnipeg, 1913.Manitoba Act, Dominion Statutes, 1870.North-West Territories Consolidated Ordinances.Regina, 1899.British North America Acts, 1867, 1871 and 1907.Alberta Act. Dominion Statutes, 1905.Saskatchewan Act. Dominion Statutes, 1905.Rupert s Land Act. Dominion Statutes, 1868.Alberta Law Reports, vols. i to iv.Saskatchewan, vols. i to v.The Saskatchewan Herald.Battleford.

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