Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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276 BIBLIOGRAPHY<strong>Section</strong> X(Vols. 19, 20)The Prairie ProvincesTHE RED RIVER SETTLEMENT (pp. 13-93).POLITICAL HISTOHY OP MANITOBA, 1870-1912(pp. 97-143). By Chester Martin.SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA : GENERAL HISTORY,1870-1912. By Edmund H. Oliver, (pp.147-280.)ECONOMIC HISTORY OP THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES,1870-1913. ByJ. W. Dafoe. (pp. 283-328.)THE PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATIONS.John A. Reid. (pp. 331-47.)ByFINANCE AND TAXATION. By Archibald B. Clark,(pp. 351-62.)THE JUDICIAL SYSTEMS OF THE PRAIRIE PROVINCES.By Charles Morse, (pp. 365-91.)MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. By Archibald B. Clark,(pp. 395-413.)HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN MANITOBA. By S. E.Lang. (pp. 417-47.)HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN SASKATCHEWAN.Walter C. Murray, (pp. 451-74.)ByHISTORY OF EDUCATION IN ALBERTA.M. MacEachran. (pp. 477-506.)By JohnECONOMIC RESOURCES OF MANITOBA. By W. J.Black, (pp. 609-37.)ECONOMIC RESOURCES OF SASKATCHEWAN.W. J. Rutherford, (pp. 541-80.)ByECONOMIC RESOURCES OF ALBERTA. By GeorgeHarcourt. (pp. 583-602.)Adam : The North-West ;its History and itsTroubles. Toronto, 1885.Report of the Agricultural Credit Commission ofthe Province of Saskatchewan. 1914.Amos :Report on Trials in the Courts of Canadarelative to the Destruction of the Earl ofSelkirk s Settlement on the Red River.London, 1820.Aubert : L Quest Canadien et le Yukon.Chartres, 1908.Beauregard Le : 9e Bataillon au Nord-Ouest.Journal d un militaire. Quebec, 1886.:Begg The Creation of Manitoba. Toronto,1871.Begg : History of the North-West. 3 vols.Toronto, 1894-95.Bell : The Selkirk Settlement and the Settlers.Winnipeg, 1887.Black :History of Saskatchewan and the OldNorth-West. Regina, 1913.Boulton : Reminiscences of the North-WestRebellions. Toronto, 1886.Bryce Mackenzie, Selkirk and Simpson.:Toronto, 1910.Bryce Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk s:Colonists. Toronto, 1909.Bryce Manitoba : Infancy, Growth and Present:Condition. London, 1882.Bryce Remarkable : History of the Hudson sBay Company. London, 1900.Brvce : Short History of the Canadian People.London, 1887.:Burpee The Search for the Western Sea.Toronto, 1908.Butler : The Great Lone Land. Toronto, 1910.Butler : The Wild North Land. Toronto, 1910.Clement : Constitution of Canada. 2nd ed.Toronto, 1906.Collins : Life and Times of Sir John A. Macdonald.Toronto, 1883.Coues : New Light on Earlier History of GreatNorth-Wsst. 3 vols. New York, 1897.Davidson : Financial Relations of Canada andthe Provinces. (Econ. Jour., vol. xv, p. 164.)Douse : Manitoba and the North-West Territories. St Paul, Minn., 1879.Elkinton : The Doukhobors. Philadelphia,1903.Dugas : Histoire de Fouest canadien de 1822 a1369. Montreal, 1906.Dugas : Histoire Veridique des faita qui ontpr6pare le mouvement des M6tis a la RividreRouge en 1869. Montreal, 1906.Dugas : L Ouest Canadien. Montreal, 1826.Annual Reports of the Department of Education.Winnipeg.Ewart : Manitoba School Question. Toronto,1C94.Ewart :Municipal History of Manitoba. Toronto,1904.Fleming Report on Canadian Pacific :Railway.1877.From Toronto to Fort Garry ; an Account of theSecond Expedition to Red River. Hamilton(1872).Gordon : The Life of James Robertson, D.D.Toronto, 1909.Report of the Elevator Commission of Saskatchewan. Regina, 1910.Report of the Grain Markets Commission ofSaskatchewan. 1914.Gunn : The Fight for Free Trade in Rupert sLand. (Miss. Valley Hist. Assoc., 1910-11.)Gunn and Tuttle :History of Manitoba. Ottawa,1880.Hargrave Red River. : Montreal, 1871.:Haydon Riders of the Plains. London, 1910.Hind :Reports of Progress together with aPreliminary and General Report on theAssiniboine and Saskatchewan ExploringExpedition. Toronto, 1859.Report from the Committee appointed to enquireinto the State and Condition of the Countriesadjoining to Hudson s Bay, and of the Tradecarried on there. (London) 1749. (Most important for the history of the North- West.)Notices on the Claims of the Hudson s Bay Co.and the Conduct of its Adversaries. Montreal,1817.Report from the Select Committee on theHudson Bay Company. (London) 1837.Copy of the Existing Charter or Grant by theCrown to the Hudson s Bay Co., etc. Alsothe Dates of all Former Charters or Grants tothat Company, 1842.

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